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Nanchang: November 9, 2005

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The weather in Nanchang has changed dramatically! We had severe thunderstorms last night and today it is pouring....I mean POURING!!! We had breakfast at 7:30 a.m., and believe me little Miss Elizabeth can eat! She had eggs and noodles. You can't feed her fast enough! We then all headed out to the Civil Affairs office. Everyone was soaked. Thank you Lisa for the jacket!!! Elizabeth was very good on the bus. We got to the Civil Affairs office and they proceded to call each family in.

At the Civil Affairs Office

Elizabeth at the Civil Affairs Office

We had to promise never to abandon her and to give her a good education. We then got our pictures taken with Elizabeth for the official record. Once we were finished at The Civil Affairs office, we headed out to the Notary. The Notary asked the same questions. After this, in the eyes of the Chinese government, Elizabeth is ours forever. Oh, by the way, it is still P O U R I N G!!

Our guide, Ike, then took us to Wal-Mart to buy some supplies. We bought a stroller, a little jacket, some coke, water, Oreos, M&Ms, apple juice, bananas, baby fruit and other supplies. All of this in American was only $40! We were amazed! Oh, I forgot to mention... Elizabeth loves bananas. She stands in her crib and you can feed her by hand.

We did have some milestones today: she stood up in her crib by herself, she loves to play peek-a-boo and laughs out loud when Guy and I make funny faces!

Elizabeth Sleeping!

Well, that is it for today. It is about 4:30 p.m., here and we need to think about dinner!

Love to all....we miss you all a lot!

Love, Cathy and Guy

Next....Nanchang: November 11th, 2005

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Special permission has been granted by Grace Lee, Cute Colors, to use the images for this page