This might be somewhat difficult, but for a Charmed fan, it ought to be a breeze. Here's some demon trivia from many different episodes and different demons. So give it your best shot!

  1. Who killed Andy Trudeau?
    (a) Darryl
    (b) Rodriguez
    (c) the Source
  2. Who did Cole report to when he first started plotting to kill the sisters? (hint: he killed them)
    (a) The Triad
    (b) The Trio
    (c) The Counsel
  3. What did Cole cause Phoebe to turn into?
    (a) Banshee
    (b) Mermaid
    (c) both a and b
  4. What is the name of the demon that the sisters have defeaten three times?
    (a) Seekers
    (b) Shax
    (c) Barbas
  5. What was the name of the darklighter after Leo's charge, Daisy?
    (a) Daniel
    (b) Marcus
    (c) Alec
  6. What demon caused several of the demons the sisters had vanquished to come back?
    (a) Abraxus
    (b) Tempus
    (c) Grimlocks
  7. What is the name of the book that is equivalent to an evil Book of Shadows?
    (a) Grimlore
    (b) Grimmora
    (c) Grimoire
  8. Why was Cole half demon and half human?
    (a) his father was a demon and his mother was human
    (b) his father was human and his mother was a demon
    (c) a spell was cast on him when he was a little boy
  9. What demon was responsible for sending the monkey totem after Piper, Phoebe, and Paige?
    (a) the Source
    (b) the Crone
    (c) a Kazi demon
  10. What was the name of the demon who Piper catered a wedding for?
    (a) Hecate
    (b) Kali
    (c) Marlioa

Demon Trivia Answers
