WARNING!!: Do not proceed unless you are a true expert! This section of trivia contains small details that only an expert of Charmed would know! Think you can handle it? Give it all you got!

  1. What season did Prue die?
    (a) Season 2
    (b) Season 3
    (c) Season 4
  2. Where did Prue first use her power of astral projection?
    (a) while sleeping
    (b) while fighting a demon
    (c) in a meeting at work
  3. What happens at the end of every season finale?
    (a) everyone sits in the sitting area together
    (b) all three sisters hug
    (c) the doors to the manor shut
  4. When did Phoebe receive her power of levitation?
    (a) the first episode of the 3rd season
    (b) the second episode of the 3rd season
    (c) the third episode of the 3rd season
  5. In the episode "A Painted World," Phoebe casts a Smart Spell on herself to help her get a job. What was her main reason for trying to get the job?
    (a) she wanted to prove to Prue that she wasn't a screw up
    (b) she wrecked Prue's car and wanted to pay for it
    (c) she was tired of being the only one that was unemployed
  6. Who was responsible for Cole becoming the Source?
    (a) the Source
    (b) the Hollow
    (c) the Seer
  7. When Cole became invincible, where did he get all of his powers?
    (a) the demonic wastelands
    (b) he stripped dozens of demons from their powers
    (c) he stole the Source's powers
  8. How did the sisters vanquish invincible Cole?
    (a) he killed himself by releasing all of his powers
    (b) Paige found a spell to vanquish all of the powers he possessed
    (c) he went to an alternate existence and the sisters killed him there
  9. What was the name of Prue's boss? (hint: Not Rex)
    (a) Claire
    (b) Clairese
    (c) Calina
  10. What was the name that Phoebe wanted to name Wyatt?
    (a) Cole
    (b) Victor
    (c) Potter
  11. What was Buckland's?
    (a) an auction house
    (b) a law firm
    (c) a production studio
  12. Aside from Melinda, who else was mentioned as being an ancestor of the Halliwells? (hint: mentioned in the episode "Which Prue is it Anyway?")
    (a) Brenda
    (b) Brianne
    (c) Brianna
  13. What was the name of Dan's niece?
    (a) Tiffany
    (b) Jenny
    (c) Sarah
  14. What was the name of the hitwoman sent after the sisters?
    (a) Ms. Hellfire
    (b) Ms. Redfire
    (c) Ms. Hotwire
  15. What must you do to a Lazarus demon's ashes to stop it from rising?
    (a) say an incantation and use a special potion made with some of it's ashes
    (b) scatter its ashes over a consecrated grave
    (c) bury its ashes in a cemetary
  16. How did Phoebe find the Book of Shadows?
    (a) the spirit board spelled out "ATTIC"
    (b) she had a premonition of the book
    (c) her grandmother visited her in a dream
  17. Who was obsessed with Prue and tried to kill her?
    (a) Abbey, the bartender at P3
    (b) Andrea, someone who worked with Prue
    (c) Alice, one of Piper's friends
  18. What was the name of the indian that Prue and Cole saved from the ghost town stuck in a time loop?
    (a) Marcus
    (b) Bo
    (c) Isil
  19. Why did the Source only have half of a face?
    (a) he mixed with two different breeds of demon
    (b) it was done during the coronation ceremony when he became the Source
    (c) it was disfigured in a battle
  20. What animals did Phoebe turn Spencer Ricks into?
    (a) a turkey and a dog
    (b) a pig and a cow
    (c) a turkey and a pig

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