Now it's time to test your knowledge of the youngest sister. See how much you know about Paige. Ready? Set...GO!!
- How did Paige meet her sisters?
(a) she looked them up on the internet
(b) Piper and Phoebe found a picture of Paige in the attic
(c) after Piper cast a spell, Paige was revealed as their sister
(d) Paige cast a spell to find family
- What was Paige's job when she was first introduced?
(a) a social worker
(b) a troubled youth
(c) a social worker assistant
(d) unemployed
- What kind of car does Paige drive?
(a) Mini Cooper
(b) Jeep Grand Cherokee
(c) Volkswagon Beetle
(d) Mazda Miata
- What was the first spell that Paige cast by herself?
(a) the Truth Spell
(b) the Vanishing Spell
(c) to Find What Was Lost Spell
(d) a Power of Three Spell
- How was Paige turned into a vampire?
(a) she cast a spell
(b) Cole cast a spell on her
(c) she was bitten by "vampire" bats
(d) she was bitten by a vampire
- Why was Paige's hair red?
(a) she left a color treatment in too long
(b) a potion blew up and it turned her hair red
(c) she wanted a change
(d) Phoebe convinced her to dye her hair
- How were Paige's parents killed?
(a) in a house fire
(b) they were shot by muggers
(c) their car ran off of a bridge
(d) in a car accident
- When Paige's parents were killed, how did Paige survive?
(a) she orbed out unknowingly
(b) Leo saved her
(c) her mother's spirit saved her
(d) she wasn't there
- Why did Paige quit her job?
(a) to find a better job
(b) to become a full time witch
(c) she was tired of working
(d) she was about to be firedd
- What's Paige's biggest problem with Piper and Phoebe?
(a) they treated her differently because she is only their half-sister
(b) they gang up on her
(c) she feels supressed by them because she was used to being an only child
(d) she feels as though they hate her because she took Prue's place
Paige Trivia Answers