Alright, now check your answers with the answers below. The answers are highlighted.
What's Phoebe's favorite movie? (a) "Witches of Eastwick" (b) "Kill It Before It Dies" (c) "Fantasia" (d) "Pretty Woman"
What happened to Phoebe when she went to the future? (a) she was a bum (b) she was being executed for murder (c) she was a world famous psychologist (d) she was a full time witch
What's the name of the place that Phoebe currently works? (a) The Bay Mirror (b) The Bay Journal (c) Ear of the Bay (d) The Bay Times
Where was Phoebe afraid to go in the house when she was young? (a) the attic (b) the mother's room (c) the closet under the stairs (d) the basement
What does Phoebe have a college degree in? (a) Political Science (b) Broadcasting (c) Psychology (d) Journalism
Before moving back home to San Francisco, where did Phoebe live? (a) Atlanta (b) Chicago (c) New York (d) Los Angeles
What's the name of Phoebe's boss? (hint: Not Jason) (a) Katrice (b) Patrice (c) Elise (d) Denise
What kind of car does Phoebe have? (a) Mini Cooper (b) Volkswagon Beetle (c) Jeep Grand Cherokee (d) Mazda Miata
What's the name of Phoebe's rival columnist? (a) David Tenney (b) Nathaniel Pratt (c) Spencer Ricks (d) Deborah Hillard
Why did Phoebe start practicing martial arts? (a) she wanted to become a champion fighter (b) she didn't like having an inactive power (c) someone was paying her to teach kids (d) she wanted to prove to Prue that she could stick with something