Okay. Now it's time to test your Piper knowledge! Ready? Set...GO!!
Before running P3, where did Piper work? (a) Bay Bungalow (b) Quake (c) Shakedown (d) Split Level
What was the name of the warlock Piper was dating when she found out she was a witch? (a) David (b) Brad (c) Jeremy (d) Daniel
What was Piper's job before becoming a club owner? (a) a chef/manager (b) a hostess (c) a waitress (d) a health inspector
What kind of car does Piper drive? (a) Mini Cooper (b) Volkswagon Beetle (c) Mazda Miata (d) Jeep Grand cherokee
What was the name of Piper's daughter that she met in her future life? (a) Melinda (b) Melissa (c) Marissa (d) Melina
How many times did Piper and Leo try to get married before they actually got married? (a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4
What is one of Piper's biggest fears? (a) spiders (b) birds (c) small spaces (d) losing her powers
When Piper was pregnant, what did she occassionally burp up? (a) feathers (b) fireworks (c) flowers (d) bubbles
What kind of person was Piper when she was in high school? (a) a popular cheerleader (b) a geek/nerd (c) a gothic outcast (d) she dropped out of high school
When Piper met Leo, what did she think he was? (a) an angel (b) an engineer (c) a handyman (d) a personal trainer