Okay, it's time. Test your knowledge of Prue Halliwell! Alright? Ready? Set...GO!!
Where did Prue work when the show first began? (a) Kirkland's (b) Quake (c) Buckland's (d) 415 Magazine
Why did Prue cast the Truth Spell? (a) she wanted to know what her boss thought of her (b) to help Piper tell her boss how she really felt (c) she wanted to tell everyone she was a witch (d) she wanted to see how Andy would handle her being a witch
What car did Prue drive? (a) Mini Cooper (b) Jeep Grand Cherokee (c) Mazda Miata (d) Volkswagon Beetle
When Prue went to the future, what was she? (a) owner of Buckland's in San Francisco (b) owner of 415 Magazine (c) a professional photographer (d) she was unemployed
Why did Prue quit her job? (a) she was tired of working (b) she felt as if she wanted to own her own business (c) Phoebe convinced her to quit (d) she decided she wanted to do something that would take up less of her time, so she could be at home more
Who was Prue's first love? (a) Darryl (b) Leo (c) Andy (d) Jack
What was Prue's greatest fear? (a) drowning (b) fire (c) elevators (d) losing her mother
What magazine was Prue a photographer for? (a) 375 Magazine (b) 415 Magazine (c) 965 Magazine (d) 395 Magazine
What was the first trigger for Prue's powers? (a) love (b) hate (c) anger (d) sorrow
What demon killed Prue? (a) Shax (b) Barbas (c) Abraxus (d) Tempus