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The Ministry of Magic

Minister of Magic - Cornelius Fudge (boo! hiss!)


  • Department of Internationas Magical Cooperation - Bartemius Crouch (deceased)
  • Department of Mysteries
  • Magical Law Enforcement Squad
  • Misuse of Muggle Artifacts - Arthur Weasley
  • Department for the Resulation and Control of Magical Creatures - Amos Diggory
  • Department of Magical Games and Sports - Ludo Bagman
  • Committee on Experimental Charms
  • Accidental Magic Reversal Squad
  • Department of Transportation
  • Improper Use of Magic Office
  • Goblin Liaison Office
  • Committee for the Disposal of Dangerous Creatures

This webpage, all of its pages, and all of its contents and writing including stories, previews, reviews, etc. are copyright © Laurie Proveaux, 2004.