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Welcome to Vicky (Vassiliki) Koulouris' Photo Album
Welcome to Vicky (Vassiliki) Koulouris' Photo Album
Here are some photos that I have taken of my daughter Vicky (Vassiliki) Koulouris (born on Jan.14,2001). My daughter is very special to me, and the bond between us is extraordinary indeed. As my daughter's father, I urge all parents to extend their love and time to their children as much as possible. Nothing can replace the quality time that a parent can share with their child or children. So, to my very special princess, I, your father, dedicate this Album to you. I love you. xo Daddy. -- Best Regards and Wishes to all, -- John Koulouris,(Esq.)
Canada Web Award awarded to Welcome to Vicky Koulouris Photo Album
My daughter Vicky and her friend playing chase at Normandie Centre.
My daughter Vicky and her friend playing chase at Normandie Centre.