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Welcome to Vicky (Vassiliki) Koulouris' Photo Album
Welcome to Vicky (Vassiliki) Koulouris' Photo Album
Here are some photos that I have taken of my daughter Vicky (Vassiliki) Koulouris (born on Jan.14,2001). My daughter is very special to me, and the bond between us is extraordinary indeed. As my daughter's father, I urge all parents to extend their love and time to their children as much as possible. Nothing can replace the quality time that a parent can share with their child or children. So, to my very special princess, I, your father, dedicate this Album to you. I love you. xo Daddy. -- Best Regards and Wishes to all, -- John Koulouris,(Esq.)
Canada Web Award awarded to Welcome to Vicky Koulouris Photo Album
My daughter Vicky enjoying her warm Hot Chocolate and Croissant at a shopping centre restaurant.
My daughter Vicky enjoying her warm Hot Chocolate and Croissant at a shopping centre restaurant.