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Charles Anderson

I'm the Team WiseGuy Noob. One day, Jody called me "Noob" and the name stuck. Ah well.

I started playing shortly after the release of Darksteel my senior year in high school. Just about everyone at my high school played Rook whenever they got the chance; between classes, after doing classwork, while skipping class in the library, just whenever. Anyway, some of my friends and I got tired of Rook, and decided to pick up Magic. Why Magic? I don't know, at the time it was something random, but it quickly became the card game we spent all of our free time playing, and has now lead me to being a member of this great team we call WiseGuy.

As far as my favorite format of all time goes, I've not been playing long enough to really say, but I really like the Extended format in general. I can't wait for the upcoming rotation to shake the format up a little.

My favorite deck has to be Tooth and Nail. No, I don't have the most fun playing it, and no, it's not the best deck ever, or even the best deck of the past few years, but Tooth was the first competitive deck I built, and took me to the finals of my second tourney. Shortly after that, I layed off Tooth for a while, and after the Affinity bannings in Standard, I came back to the deck, and have had pretty good success in the local standard tourneys with it, and also playing it at the 2005 Kentucky Open to a record of 6-1-1 and placing 11th.

My Favorite card...ah, I can't choose. Necropotence has always been one of my favorite cards, but I don't know if I could list a definate favorite card. There's just too many good cards out there to choose from.

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