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Dating And The Art Of Conversation
6 Killer Tips You Must Not Do To Seduce Women Successfully
Do You Want To Know How To Seduce Women: Be Cool And Impressive

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6 Killer Tips You Must Not Do To Seduce Women Successfully

You may have searched the net and have been searching high and low for numerous love tips on how to seduce beautiful women, but sadly have found little to none and the ones you have found are shallow and barely scratched the surface of how even to do it. To seduce women successfully, requires much more than words, it's a process. Mostly you can seduce women if you know how they are attracted to you. If you master it, then seducing women will be very easy just like breathing.

Here are 6 killer tips how to seduce women easily:

1. Avoid intimate physical contact

Never do this on your first few meetings or she would be scared even to go out with you, just wait until she is more comfortable with you. Remember, your goal is how to make her attracted to you. Make her think that she explore you first. That way, you are one step ahead into her world, because she already trust you.

2. Don't be shy, be confident

Saying it is very easy, but you must know other ways to gain confidence, and we'll go into them in detail. First off is your presence. If your presence is relatively weak, no one will notice you. But if your presence is rather strong, you will be attracting a lot of attention. That being said, don't go the extreme way and act like a complete imbecile or clown just to get attention, that will only end up bad for you and your reputation.

3. Don't over reacted, find your balance

She will not consider you a boyfriend, even if you will do anything to please the girl. Do not over reacted, just do things that you think it's worthy to do to achieve something. Just find your balance when approaching women.

4. You should make eye contact

They will acknowledge your presence in that room if you make eye contact with people around you. But don't stare at a person for a long time even when they have long acknowledged your presence. They'll probably think that you are crazy and give bad impression. The correct way would be to just act confident and secure, even for introverts this should be easier than actually going up and talking to a person. The act alone would already be quite powerful, so start working on it.

5. Don't talk about how bad your past personal or work life

It's obvious that woman do not want to know all your life trouble when you go out date with her, isn't it? Do not make her think that you are weak or a loser, and asking a sympathy. In short, don't say anything about the past unless it's humorous or help your current situation.

6. Do not argue with women

Even if you consider yourself very intelligent and wise personality, and find her a bit not 'illogical' towards her feelings on something or situation, do not start arguing. Instead, say something funny and change to other interesting topics, suck in your pride and give in, because they are girls and arguing just don't work and she will have bad impression on you. Avoid arguments at all cost. Always listen to the girl, whether she's happy, angry at someone or sad. The more you listen the more emotionally she gets attached to you because sub consciously she projects you as a person she can trust and maybe have a chance to be with.

I hope this article has helped and guide you to understand on how to seduce women and attract women you want, just avoid those above mistakes at all costs.

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