Love And Romance

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Pick-up Women And Increase Your Confidence
Men Always Give Me Their Phone Numbers But I Don't Want To Call Them First
Weapons Of Maximum Seduction
Where To Meet Women
Women Love Sex Just As Much As Men Do
Meeting Women, It All Comes Down To Your Dating Skills
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Love And Romance

Meeting Women Online

Meeting Women Online
Meeting women online dating guide. Men's internet dating guide for success with dating online. What Every Single Man Needs To Know About Meeting Women On The Internet.
Price: $129.95

Where to Meet Women
By Julian Cowie

How many times do you hear guys or girls saying they don't know where to meet someone. “I never meet any nice men”, or “all the good ones are married”. My sisters and their friends have said it to me over and over. I can understand that if you come from a rural area maybe, that might have some truth to it but it is all about attitude. Having a negative attitude will not help when you're looking to meet someone.

There are plenty of places to meet men and women. Usually it is just your mind that prevents you from seeing the possibilities. By that I mean you have a certain mind set, you think about going out and meeting someone. Going out to pubs or clubs, going out at night. Why? Don't restrict yourself, there are thousands of places to meet someone. What about in the daytime, at work, in the supermarket, in the park, subway, on the bus, at the gym, the list is endless.

When a good looking woman goes to a club or pub she will be sure to get hit on, it happens to her all the time. She may be out with her friends just to have a good time and dance all night and not be looking for anything more. So in this situation Guys tread carefully, meeting someone in the daytime requires a different approach.

There are advantages to picking up a woman in the daytime, for a start she is less likely to have her girlfriends (minders!) around. She is not expecting to be chatted up if she is out shopping so she may be less defensive and more open to having a conversation with you. There are other advantages as well. In the daytime you are more likely to be sober, you will get to see the real person. People often adopt a different persona when in a night club. You will get to meet girls who never go to clubs or pubs.

So what do you do to pick up a woman in the daytime? Well the first thing to do is be aware, be open to the possibility of meeting someone. Basic stuff really, but you would be surprised at the number of people who walk around in a daze, thinking about a million things they have to do.

This is not rocket science! When you see someone you fancy Start a Conversation! Be as natural and relaxed as you can and don't put too much pressure on the other person. Open with something funny or light-hearted if you can. No personal questions to begin with. Chat up lines are definitely out in the daytime. Use whatever the situation is that you are in. By that I mean if your in the supermarket then you could say something like “I have to get some pasta, but there are so many bands I haven't got a clue, can you give me some idea?' If your waiting at the bus stop and it is freezing cold, talk about the weather.

You should do most of the talking at first, until the other person feels comfortable talking with you. Put her at ease so that she becomes used to the situation. You could comment on something about her, don't appear to be too interested at first, slow and steady is best. Eventually she will start to contribute to the conversation and open up to you a little.

If it is all going well, move on. You could ask a few personal questions at this stage. Find out if you both have any interests in common. Your focus now should be to find something you could do together. If you both like ice hockey, suggest you go to a game together sometime. Or just say “We should hang out together sometime” if she says “That would be nice” then you have the green light. Now most important, ask for her phone number or if you want give her yours. Don't keep her waiting too long before you phone not more than three days. That is not leaving it too long or being too keen as well, as always try to strike a balance.

Be aware, relax, take in the world as you go about your daily business, slow down, notice what is around you and you will see the world has endless possibilities to meet members of the opposite sex. If you do live in a remote area where all the Men/Women are taken then you just might have to move, or better still get online and meet someone!

For more information on meeting women and online dating visit my site