Love And Romance

Love And Romance

How To Be A Lady Killer
Seduction Advice
Increase Your Confidence
Calling Men
Player's Guide To Seduction
Meeting Women Online
Get More Women
All About Women
Love With Russian Women
Sensual Spiritual Soulmate
Restore The Flame
Seduction Secrets
Tantra For Men
Men Made Easy
Meet Women And Get Dates
Frisky Foreplay Game
500 Secrets About Men
101 Great Love Letters
The Alpha Male Secret Library
Program On Dating Women
Get Your Ex Back
Light On Your Relationship
The Conversation King
Relationship Secrets
Top Secret Seduction Secrets

How To Ask A Girl Out

Pick-up Women And Increase Your Confidence
Men Always Give Me Their Phone Numbers But I Don't Want To Call Them First
Weapons Of Maximum Seduction
Where To Meet Women
Women Love Sex Just As Much As Men Do
Meeting Women, It All Comes Down To Your Dating Skills
Russian Women-Their Mentality And Uniqueness
Love Magic: How To Attract Your Perfect Partner For Passion, Profession or Play
What You Need To Know To Stop The Breakup
Spice Up Relationships-3 Seduction Techniques
Tantric Sex-Tantra Exercises for Maximum Sensual Stamina
Men, Women and Sex
How To Meet Women
Flirting, A Subtle Art
Secrets About Guys That Girls Must Know
How To Write A Love Letter
Secrets Of Seducing Women In A Blink Of Eyes
Regain Your Manhood And Walk Your Walk
There Are Many Quick Tips For You To Get Back Your Ex Love Partner For A Making Up Relationship
Marriage Infidelity: Stay Or Go
Dating And The Art Of Conversation
6 Killer Tips You Must Not Do To Seduce Women Successfully
Do You Want To Know How To Seduce Women: Be Cool And Impressive

Love And Romance

Seduction Advice

Tips on how to meet, attract, and seduce the opposite sex. Whether you're a man or a woman, learn ALL the attraction techniques: the approach, flirting, body language, and relationships skills. gives you all the techniques you need to attract the mate of your dreams from relationships experts James B and Amy Waterman.
Price: $37.00

Tips To Seduce Women

Mastering the "art of seduction" is not easy, nor should it be. Nothing that is of true value ever comes easy. Learning how to seduce women is not something that a man can master in a short period of time. These skills are developed and honed to perfection only through experimentation and failure. Yes, I did say "failure". No two women are exactly alike, and therefore what seduction techniques works on one may fail completely with another. The best we, men, can hope for is a generalized list of "do's and don'ts" that will prevent us from shooting ourselves in the foot before our "dream woman" can see and come to appreciate us for all our good qualities.

Here are some basic "grass roots" tips on how to improve your odds of seducing women.

1. Dress to impress First impressions count in eyes of most women. Looking like a slob, especially on your first meeting will set your chances of seduction into a tail spin.

2. Mind your Manners Chivalry is NOT dead! Most women do appreciate well mannered men who do the simple things like hold a door open for the woman, demonstrates good table manners, and act pleasant in the company of others.

3. Be Sincere Don't through out trashy or meaningless compliments. Women can see through these very quickly. Avoid the sexual comments about her breasts and butt, and focus on things such as her hair, eyes, face, ear lobes or whatever.

4. Be Yourself Avoid trying to act the part of someone who you are not. This ALWAYS will catch up with you at some point in the relationship, usually with dire consequences.

5. Focus on Her Direct the conversation around what she likes, not what you think she should like. Avoid being a "know it all" and practice good listening skills rather than monopolizing the conversation.

6. Treat her with Respect Avoid using degrading language or slang terms towards her such as "booty", "hottie", "babe" etc. unless you are certain that she will not be offended by such terms. Don't make the promise of a lasting relationship if you are only interested in a "one nighter".

7. Eyes on Her Eye-balling every other attractive women in close proximity to your location is a definite 'no-no" and may end your relationship before it gets off the ground.

8. Be Patient Most women you just met will not allow you to seduce them into bed on a first date! That only happens in the movies or if you are dating "tramps". So move slowly, built a relationship beyond just physical attraction for each other. It will be well worth it in the end!

B.Tru's published work includes articles on dating and relationships among many others based on his counseling background. For additional tips, information, and support materials visit his new website "How To Meet And Seduce Women" CLICK HERE!