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Isis-Auset, The Eternal Mother Goddess

Auset, known to the Romans as well as most of us today as Isis, was indefinately one of the most worshipped dieties in Ancient Egypt. Thousands of years later, Her worship has survived, though it is now more remote. There are various organizations and temples, which are for the most part linked to one another. Her power is infinate in Her wisdom.

I dedicate this page to her.

The Title

Isis was the eternal Mother Goddess in Ancient Egypt. She was known to bring life to the Nile when it flooded each and every year. She was goddess of sea-faring, watching over the captains that sailed the seas of this large and glorious world. She was also a goddess of war, protecting over the kings of her land. She was a dancer, an alchemist, a wife, a mother, a midwife, a physician... She was the goddess of love, health, and happiness. She was the universal goddess, a goddess of "ten thousand names."

The Rites

Morning Chant to Isis

Light a candle and incense upon awakening and recite:

Awake, Awake, Awake in Peace.
Goddess of light and grace.
Awake, Awake, Awake in me.
Heal my heart, set me free.

The Shield of Isis

When in a very troubling situation, recite this. Note: Use with care.

"I need the shield of Isis."

An Invocation of Isis

I am the star that rises from the sea, the twilight sea.
I bring men dreams that rule their destiny.
I bring the moon-tides to the souls of men,
The tides that flow and ebb and flow again;
That flow and ebb and flow alternately,
These are my secret, these belong to me.
I am the Eternal Woman, I am She-
The tides of all men's souls belong to me.
The tides that flow and ebb and flow again;
The secret, silent tides that govern men;
These are my secret, these belong to me.
Out of my hands he takes his destiny;
Touch of my hands bestows serenity-
These are the moon-tides, these belong to me.
Isis in Heaven, on earth, Persephone,
Diana of the moon and Hecate,
Vieled Isis, Aphrodite from the sea,
All these am I and they are seen in me.
The high full-moon in the mid-heaven shines clear;
I bear the invoking words, hear and appear...
Shaddai el Chai and Rhea, Binah, Ge,
I come unto the priest that calleth me.

The Character

The picture to the left is a picture I drew of a character that I roleplay, who is, of course, Isis. Isis Falcon-Ra, to be exact. Due to the world growing up around her, I've modernized her slightly. Unlike many of her godly counterparts, she's hung onto the past with all her heart. She dresses somewhat close to the olden garbs, but modified so that she is able to walk amongst the mortals incognito. My point? I just wanted to show off the picture. ::Smile:: That, and to point out that *some* people actually roleplay accurately these days.