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You will find on this page a link to the Logbook of Shawn Axelrod VE4DX1SMA. This is up to date as of December 2024.

The Logbook is an Excel file listing all the stations I have heard from Manitoba during my long DX career starting in February 1971. 

Any comments positive or otherwise are appreciated at address below.

I hope you enjoy the pages. Be patient the file may load slowly.
Many of the stations are no longer on air as these logs date back to when I started to DX in February of 1971. The first tab (Guide) will explain how the Logbook is set up. After that you can click on any of the tabs at the bottom to open up the section you want. There are separate page tabs at the bottom for the various types of DX'ing I have done from Manitoba: Guide Tab is a how to use the logbook sections and explanation of the abbreviations. Countries/States/Provinces A listing of countries states and provinces logged on the various bands from Manitoba. LW Loggings of Longwave radio stations including Broadcast, Utility, Experimental and Non Directional Beacons by frequency logged from Manitoba. NDB Loggings of Non Directional Beacon radio stations by frequency logged from Manitoba. BCB MB Loggings of Broadcast Bands radio stations by frequency logged from Manitoba. BCB Foreign Loggings of non USA and Canadian Broadcast Bands radio stations by frequency logged from Manitoba. BCB WW Loggings of Broadcast Bands radio stations by frequency logged from my travels worldwide. BCB BEACON Loggings of Broadcast Bands Beacon radio stations by frequency logged from Manitoba. SW Tropical Bands Loggings of Shortwave Tropical Bands Broadcast radio stations and Utility radio stations by frequency logged from Manitoba. FM Loggings of FM radio stations by frequency logged from Manitoba. TV Loggings of Analog TV stations by channel logged from Manitoba. Pirates Loggings of Pirate radio stations by station name logged from Manitoba. (In most cases no station location is listed as that information is usually not available or reliable.) Amateur Prefixes is an alpha-numeric listing of Amateur Radio callsign prefixes logged.
Country or Canadian Province or U S of A State: This list is a bit different as only one station per country or province or state is listed.
I have heard thousands of Ham stations from around the world so this is more of a representative listing than a full logbook. All loggings are from Manitoba. CLICK HERE TO SEE THE LOG BOOK OF SHAWN AXELROD




Remember On A Clear Day You Can Hear Forever