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Mr. T. Kwan Hung 2003-1-17

Covalent compounds……..?

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A) Ions:

How are they formed?


How many protons(p+), neutrons(n0) and electrons (e-) are there in Na atom?

How many protons(p+), neutrons(n0) and electrons (e-) are there in Na ion?


How many protons(p+), neutrons(n0) and electrons (e-) are there in Cl atom?

How many protons(p+), neutrons(n0) and electrons (e-) are there in Cl atom?

Explain in your own words why



B) Ionic bonds:



C) Covalent Bonds



) look at card 27 below:

How is this case different from the previous one? How many e- does Li lose to become Li+? How many e- does O gain to become O2-

)  using webelements:

- Click on Mg then MgF2 on the right hand side of the Mg page…
- Can you tell me why Mg and F have to mix as MgF2 -that is 2 Mg to 1F?
- Find the compound MgCl2 on the same site… explain why the formula is 1Mg to 2Cl

) using all the resources try to find out the e- configurations of the atoms, ions and formula of the compounds formed for the following:

magnesium Mg and sulfur

AlCl3 why 1 Al to 3Cl in the formula?

If time permits

) What happens to the Na+ and Cl- in the diagram? Is the end product pure? What is the product called?


) ChemBalancer:  balancing equations


) How are the bonds in the diagram below different from what we learned so far? IS there anything similar in terms of the number of electrons in each case?


) balancing equations

· Equations by Counting Atoms



What are some properties of water? How is water used in our world?