Actors Name: Peter Strauss
The leader of the Freedom Fighters, he is a natural leader. To him, his fighters are like his children, but he still acts like one of the guys. When the Plutarkians kidnapped him, his real tail was replaced by a metal one and his brain was tooken under control by the Plutarkians. Although he is no longer under their control, he still has the bionic tail. His love interest is Harley, but he was losing the battle for her affections quickly to Vinnie.
"You still don't stand a rats chance of winning you chump chucker."(Once Upon a Time on Mars)
"Actually, I think it's hysterical."(Once Upon a Time on Mars)
"Yeah see, that's why rats are second class vermin, they think with their tails."(Once Upon a Time on Mars)
"In your dreams blueberry."(Once Upon a Time on Mars)
"Owwww... I love my job."(Once Upon a Time on Mars)
"Hey, all's fair in love and war. Right punk?"(Once Upon a Time on Mars)