Actors Name: Rob Paulsen
Although the biker mice are definitely not as quiet as mice, Throttle is the most levelheaded and the leader of the group. A natural leader, Throttle makes all the battle decisions and plays. During the Plutarkian occupation, Throttle lost the eyesight from both of his eyes. He now wears specs (given to him by Stoker), that have a certain polarity setting to help him see. His love interest is Carbine, although he misses her on Mars, he feels duty-bound to help earth and it's citizens. He has no known family.
"Uh... this preachers throwing heat."(Virtual Unreality)
"Cheap shot... but it felt good."(Pitfall)
"Ya, well you better keep your yap shut and head up bro... yup you really got them on the run."(Pitfall)
"Well if you need help just give a whistle... yeah just like that... only better."(Pitfall)
"Light and stand back."(Pitfall)
"Let's have a looky see here. Nope nope nothin' nada zippo, just as white as a osmium in a snowstorm."(Once Upon a Time on Mars)
"Stoker... du du da... my hero, ya know what man, I'd rather be rescued by you than the bravest mouse on Mars, which would happen to be me."(Once Upon a Time on Mars)
"Oh come on, I can do Sand Raiders with both eyes tied behind my back. You call em lady."(Once Upon a Time on Mars)