Vincent "Vinnie" VanWham
Actors Name: Ian Ziering
During the Plutarkian occupation of Mars, the right side of Vinnie's face suffered burns from a blast. Ashamed of his disfiguration, he placed a metal mask, given to him by Harley, over his scars. In the words of Modo, "man that guy has a ego bigger than Limburger's rear-end." There are three things Vinnie loves: himself, women (especially Charlie and Harley), and adrenaline rushes that include danger. Vinnie has a crush on Charlie, so he is constantly flirting with her. Even though the feelings don't seem to be true, there are times when Vinnie forgets his ego and is very protective over Charlie and his bros. He has no known family.
"Hey, this wrench heads got some moves."(Virtual Unreality)
"What's up with cheesepits, his rhine got mold on it?"(Virtual Unreality)
"Hey tall, greasy and ugly, are you borrowing or stealing this granite?"(Pitfall)
"What a rush, fire jets."(Virtual Unreality)
"Oh man... we just got to start planning our field trips a little better."(Pitfall)
"It's time for operation tail-bail."(Pitfall)
"From tree trimming... to dirt skipping."(Virtual Unreality)
"Cause ready or not... here we rock."(Pitfall)
"Hey cool... Sunday in the park with Shrapnel."(Virtual Unreality)
"Wait and wonder sweetheart."(Hit the Road, Jack)
"Nap time over? It must be time to visit the little boy's room. I hope I'm not to late."(Once Upon a Time on Mars)
"Charlie-girl? Here me sweetheart, if anyone's hurt her..."(Hit the Road, Jack)
"Hey hey hey... Martian macho mice have mega metabolisms, and those of us with exceptionally buff bodes always got to HUH... tweak the vesik."(Hit the Road, Jack)
"Whoa... we almost bit it big time... COOL!"(Once Upon a Time on Mars)
"Mirror mirror on the handle bars, whose the studdliest mouse in all of Mars?"(Once Upon a Time on Mars)
"Am I the baddest mammajamma or what?"(The Pits)
