Most people just give you a simple episode guide.
They tell you the plot of each half hour, either briefly or in detail, and are done with it.
Again, we do it differently. Here, you get much more than a mere plot summary. We get to the meat of each episode.
Actually, you don't get a summary at ALL...
It's even better. We're each going to tell you our single most favorite part from each episode...Mostly small, often overlooked parts.
And if you'd like to add a courteous observation to any episode, feel free to email us your submission.
Courteous? YOU'RE telling THEM about courtesy?
That was an isolated incident!
We'll talk about this later! Without further ado, here's our "Favorite Moments From Each Episode" list.
Which we reserve the right to alter at any time, in accordance with Woman's Prerogative, Section Fifteen, Paragraph Three, Line Eight.
My favorite part in The Tearing is when Bob wakes up and gets his hair styled into blonde braids. Then, Enzo vidwindows Bob and doesn't even notice his hair is like that. It's hilarious.
I'm gonna go with the part when Hack and Slash take Dot to Megabyte. I never realized they were that BIG in comparison to a sprite.
I LOVE the part when Bob is flying around Lost Angles, and after getting flipped upside down and rotating 270 degrees, all he says is "Why do I always get lost in Lost Angles?"
That was MY favorite part, too! Lost Angles has great special effects, and that comment was great.
The Quick and the Fed
"The Quick and the Fed" is when hear Al on level 31 for the first time, so I'd have to say that my favorite part is when his waiter says "Slow food doesn't come fast, that's why it's slow."
I'm going to say my favorite part is Al himself. For the first time we hear his trademark phrase: "WHAT?!"
The Medusa Bug
The funniest part is when the baby binome is sucking its pacifier and its father brings out a Hexadecimal mask. The baby is so scared that its diaper.
Since this is the only time I can remember Bob's car actually working, I'll go with that as a significant moment in history.
Hands down, the best part is when Bob is sitting around his apartment doing nothing, and you hear the toilet *flush*. He's the only Mainframer to have ever used it.
He's the only Mainframer to have ever used one ON CAMERA, actually. But yes, that's hilarious. My moment would have to be when Bob and Dot both forget to save Enzo from the conveyor belt because they're in the middle of an arguement, illustrating how much sense they've lost in the TIFF.
In the Belly of the Beast
I don't know what it is with bathroom humor, but in this one, my favorite part is near the end, when Megabyte steps in the *present* Frisket left behind.
That's classic. I've got to say I love it when Enzo looks at the equipment in the Tor and comments how it would be a shame if anything "happened" to it.
The Crimson Binome
Obviously, the best part is when Bob is singing into a wrench while working on his car. He turns his back for a MINUTE, and then turns back around to see his car is missing (the pirates stole it), and says,"Ooooookay."
Good choice. Also, I love Mr. Christopher. Here's a band of scurvy pirates who need an accountant. One who even we could beat up.
Enzo the Smart
Wizards, Warriors, and a Word from our Sponsor
The Great Brain Robbery
Talent Night
Identity Crisis, Part One
Identity Crisis, Part Two
High Code
When Games Collide
Bad Bob
Painted Windows
Trust No One
Web World Wars
Story Arc One
Between a Raccoon and a Hard Place
Game Over
Story Arc Two
Where No Sprite Has Gone Before
Number 7
The Episode With No Name
Story Arc Three
The Return of the Crimson Binome
The Edge of Beyond
Webriders in the Storm
Story Arc Four
System Crash
End Prog.