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Message from Michael

The purpose of this part of our site is to get the men of God moving into the area God has called them into. Joel 3:9 says "Proclaim this among the nations - prepare for war! Wake up the mighty men! Let all the men of war draw near."

Guys, I want to let you know what God has put on my heart. That is, to work with the local church's men's groups. The Lord is telling me it is time. Time for the men in the Body of Christ to wake up and to step into the places that He has called them to be in. The women have done most the work for too long. Guys, the women are getting tired. We need to relieve them and support them. What God really wants is for us (the men) to find our places and TAKE THEM!

God wants us to STEP UP and PRAY for our families, our churches, our cities and our nation. It is OUR TURN, GUYS!!

Again guys, I cannot emphasis this enough on how important it is for us as men to get together for fellowship, prayer and support in these last days!

Your brother in Christ -

Michael Muffley


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