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April 2000

I want to call for an additional Monday Night Prayer time, for the MEN. The reason we need to start this prayer time is because I feel that the Lord wants all men to become REAL. We need to have a closer walk with Him, as well as intercede for each other.

I am asking for a commitment on Monday nights for ten minutes of your time to pray and intercede. Not prayers for your church, but for other pastors, other churches, other men, around the world. We need to come together in unity to show the world that we are not afraid to stand for what we believe in. This is not a denominational thing.

I am asking men from all churches all over the world to come together for a common purpose. This ministry wants to see all men grow in the love of Jesus Christ and to be set free through Him.

This is very important, especially in this day and time that we live in. There are so many things that come against us as men. The things that trip us up are so available everywhere - television, movies, cable, the internet! We need to learn that it is ok to lean on each other for support and strength when we are fighting a tough battle.

That is why this prayer time is so important. So, please drop me a line and let me know that you are with me on this. I hope you are willing to commit, and that you catch this vision as well.

Peace to you -
Michael Muffley