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A Bit About Myself

Why I call myself Musicguy:

I'm an avid listener of most types of music
I play guitar
I play piano
I play drums
I play bass
I'm the head DJ at a bar
I've played in several rock, blues, metal, and folk bands
I teach guitar and drums to beginner and intermediate students
I come from a musical family
I love to promote Canadian music to everyone !
I plan on playing guitar professionally in the near future

Well, what else can I tell you, other than music is my life. If I don't end up playing professionally,I'd like to produce CD's for new bands. About my musical family: my grandmother was an operetta singer and piano teacher, my mother plays piano and likes to sing, my father plays bass and a little guitar, my uncle plays bass, a cousin plays drums, and another cousin plays guitar.

I'm currently a student at the University of Manitoba. I'm majoring in Labour Studies (Union/Management/Worker Relations) and minoring in Psychology.


My new cover band, "3 Times a Day" is now being represented by Morris Entertainment, and we are playing our first paid gig at Georgie's from March 8th to March 11th. Should be a good time!

Favourite Non-Canadian Music Artists:

Charlotte Church
The Chemical Brothers
Rob Zombie
Brother Cane
Macy Gray
Blink 182

Artists I want to hear more of:

Dayna Manning
Scruj McDuhk
Red Seed
