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It's all about the flash!

My name is Missy, and I am 16 years old. My birthday is July 20, so that makes me a Cancer. I'm from the great Keystone state, Pennsylvania. I live in a small town that is boring at times, but I actually like it here. I'm be a senior at Lehighton Area High School this fall. It's a pretty small school with about 800 or so students. I am a member of the National Honor Society. I am also active in my school's newspaper, The Leni Lenapian. I'm the Features Editor and the Arts/Entertainment Editor. I write CD reviews and various other articles.

After high school, I plan on attending community college. I just can not get into the whole college thing...I hate school. Anyways, I'd like to become a radio personality or something else involving music. I'm still not that sure about my future plans as of now.

Personality-wise, I am very talkative. Once I get on a roll, it's hard to shut me up. I'm also a big worrier at times. One thing I don't worry about is other people's opinions of me. I stopped caring about that a while ago. I just think it's pointless when people judge me without even knowing me. I suppose their close-mindedness will be their own downfall though. I'm definitely not afraid to be myself, and I don't like to follow the crowd. I've often been referred to as weird, odd, and freakish....but that's a good thing! Why be like everyone else? I can also be a bit wacky and silly at times. I'd also have to say that I'm a very caring person and a great friend.

One of my major interests in life is music. I like many different types like classic rock, heavy metal, and cheesy 80s music. My all-time favorite band is Led Zeppelin, but I'm also into Jimi Hendrix, Pink Floyd, Blondie, Slipknot, Static-X, Rob Zombie, White Zombie, Godsmack, Drain STH, Powerman 5000, Finger Eleven, Alice In Chains, and Staind. I really wish I could play guitar, but I suck at it. I think the guitar is just such a great instrument.

Another one of my major interests is PEZ dispensers. I have been collecting them for about 3 and a half years now. I have no idea how many I have since I don't have the room to display them all. This summer, I am going to find a way to display the ENTIRE collection! I am determined to do this.

I also like piercings. I have 9 piercings in each ear, and I'm also sporting a jeweled barbell in my navel and a captive bead ring in my left tragus. I love getting pierced, and my tragus piercing is my favorite. The whole experience was wonderful. My dad still doesn't know about the navel ring--he's not too into the idea body piercing. It's just a form of personal expression, a way to be different. That is needed in this cookie cutter society where people are a bit too eager to conform. As Nietzshe said "Become who you are." I love that quote. It's so true. You can find more cool quotes like that one in the "Quotes" section of my page.

As for religion, I am an Agnostic. I believe that there is a higher power, but man is not able to know who/what that higher power is. We are not meant to know who/what that higher power is, since that would ruin the mystery of life. I also see no real point in organized religion. I respect the beliefs and opinions of others, and I wish for the same in return.

I am Straight Edge. I do not drink, smoke, or do drugs. I think that these things are incredibly foolish. I have seen drugs destroy the lives of people I care about, and I've also seen a person's personality totally change because of these substances. I also don't like the idea of having those kinds of thingss inside my body. Being Straight Edge is something I feel very strongly about, and I take it very seriously. Soon I'm going to add a Straight Edge section to my page. It's gonna be rad!!!! By the way, I do not force my opinions and beliefs on others--I just stand up for what I believe.

I have been a part of the work force since August of 1999. I work at a girls' clothing store called The Deb. I actually like my job since it's really easy, and most of the girls I work with are cool. Plus I get a 20% discount on all the clothes, so now I'm shopping like crazy! I'm just glad to have some cash now, although I'm typically in debt with my mother. I spend my money on worthwhile things like CD's, clothing, and PEZ dispensers, so it's not being wasted.

When I'm on the computer, I love to chat on ICQ and AOL Instant Messenger. My ICQ number is 32773709 and my AOL nick is xShOcKmOnKeYx. I love to meet new people from all over the world. I like to make new friends on a global and local level. I don't cyber, so don't even ask.

I have a wonderful and sweet boyfriend named Ryan. I love him a lot. We've been together for about 7 months now. He is always there for me, and I appreciate that more than anything. We've had tons of fun times together, and we've shared many things together. I also have some great friends...Nicole, Angie D, Jon, Sarajane, and Megan. And I can't forget about the people I've met on the net...Aarne, Strokes, K8, and Kat.

Well, I hope you've enjoyed your glimpse into my personality! Please sign the guestbook and/or slambook and let me know what you thought of the page!