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'From an evolutionary standpoint, humans have a generalized body. Dolphins do not. We can put on a wet suit and go diving among the cetaceans to study them. They cannot put on a "dry suit" and come on to land to observe us. We must go to them. We must take the initiative if we want to understand cetaceans.'

-Lawrence G. Barnes

Atlantic White-Sided Dolphin
Black Dolphin
Bottlenose Dolphin
Commerson's Dolphin
Common Dolphin
Dusky Dolphin
Hourglass Dolphin
Irrawaddy Dolphin
Killer Whale
Long-Snouted Spinner Dolphin
Northern Rightwhale Dolphin
Pacific White-Sided Dolphin
Pilot Whale
Risso's Dolphin
Rough-Toothed Dolphin
Atlantic Spotted Dolphin
Striped Dolphin
White-Beaked Dolphin
Atlantic Hump-Backed Dolphin
False Killer Whale
Heaviside's Dolphin

Hector's Dolphin
Indo-Pacific Hump-Backed Dolphin