Average Size
Newborns: 39 inches
Weight: 55 lb
Adults: 6 1/2-9 feet
Weight: 330-40
Status: Locally common
Population: Unknown
Threats: Hunting, entanglement in fish nets, destruction of
habitat, and pollution all threaten this dolphin species.
Other Names Used:
Indo-Pacific Humpback Dolphin
Speckled Dolphin
Group Size:They will form groups of 3-7 and 1-25. Smaller
groups may form into greater groups.
Behavior:This species is usually hard to approach and will
tend to avoid boats. They rarely bow-ride, and are generally slow swimmers. Sometimes are seen
swimming along with Bottlenose Dolphins, Finless Porpoises, and Long-Snouted Spinner
Where to look for Indo-Pacific Hump-Backed Dolphins:In
shallow coastal waters of the Indian and western Pacific oceans.
Diet:They eat a variety of fish.
Habitat:Inshore waters
Fluke:The fluke is usually raised out of the water before