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Who is This Erenboy...

First of all thank you friends for you coming over here and taking me into considertion. who i am...
I am a turkish boy living in istanbul,Turkey.I hope you all somehow got idea about where I am spending my life since 1982 which is my birth date.I study here at highschool.I have two more years to finish my school.Well after than i will go to college to study chemical engineering which is also my dad's profession.Although I know it is a difficult major,I'd like to follow daddy.Anyway...and for ones who wonder what I look like I should say that I will never post any picture on my site.But if you have imagination ability I can tell what I look like in words.I am 150lbs,5'10",white skinned boy with black eyes(giton thinks they are great)and black hair.I won't give any more details about my physique...hope that would be enough for you.

and now...what i feel and think.
Well almost all of you get that I like boys!!!.So I think this makes me a gay.Actually I don't want to call myself so...but I am so.I like boys since I was very young that is around 10.
I never liked girls sexually but I have had may female friends even closer than my male friends.
And I never tried to make a girl to love me.
Here in Turkey life is really hard for me.Because people are not nice with gays.And I can't tell anybody about my sexual preferences.I can't dare to ask my friends about being gay since I don't know what kind of reaction I will get.If they are not open-minded much..they can shoot me off.So I am really lonely here.There are no societies here for gay teens.But at least I have an access to the net where I find people who share the same feelings with me.

Well I think that's enough about me.If you want to know more about my feelings and thoughts either drop me an EMAIL or Sign My GuestBook leaving your own email.I would be pleased to answer your questions.

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