My Favorite Things
- doh
- beer
- the simpsons theme song
- apu desktop themes
- mrs.burns
- puffy tail
- Homer buying a matter transporter
- Homer eats the elephant`s peanuts
- Everyone loves ned flanders, except homer
- Homer,"I am invincible, invincible..... ouch!"
- Another of homer`s mmmmm`s
- Homer,"Nacho nacho man
- Homer`s version of the Flintstone`s theme
- Abe,"Oh bitch ,bitch, bitch
- Ralph bent his wookie
- Bart`s looking for his dog. Willie ates the dog
- Unpossible for Ralph to fail english
- Wiggum`s past experiances with blow-up dolls
- Homer,"I AM S-M-R-T! D`OH! S-M-AR-T !"
- Homer eats 64 slices of American cheese
- Bart asking for milk
- Bart, "What a load of cappy, crap, crap
- Homer,"Woo hoo Look at......."
- Homer`s leaving!
- homer`s yell
- Homer`s thinking of a number between 1 and 50