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Copy and paste into an email and send it to me @


NAME: What's your name or what do you like to be called?

EMAIL ADDRESS: You must have an email what is it?


NAME: Your character's name. The name mustn't be common, it should be fitting in some way toward your character, or something really exotic...Something not normal, like Jane Doe or John Doe but maybe something like Kalandra Deveraux or something...(for example)

MEANING: What your character's name means. This part is optional..if there is a name that you really like but you don't know the meaning you can ask me or just omit it.

NICKNAME(S): Anything that your character is called, besides their real name. So if her name is Kalandra then nicknames could be anything like Kallie, Lonnie, Andie, etc etc..

RACE: human, faerie, or merfolk

BIRTHDAY: Please make this applicable to your character's personality...check S6 in the links section.

ASTRO SIGN: This is their astrological/zodiac sign(Again, please have this to do with their personality)

BLOODTYPE: Same as above.

GEMSTONE: Their favorite gem, not necessarily the one that corresponds to their birthmonth.

AGE: Atlantis senshi/warriors should be between the ages of 13-20

SCHOOL: See the schools from the info section.

APPEARANCE: Don't forget eyecolour/haircolour/hair syle and length/height/weight/skin colour/face shape/body type/clothing/Anything not mentioned above..Glasses? Freckles? Mole? Anything you would like to add about their appearance. Remember that everything is renaissance-y in their realm.

PERSONALITY: How do they act? How do other people see them? What are their strengths and weaknesses?(This is a must). What kind of aura/vibe do they give out?(Ex. shy? bold? courageous?)

SKILLS AND HOBBIES: What are they good at? What do they enjoy?


TRANSFORMATION: DETAILS! What do they say to transform?They gotta use their tear blossom and describe what it looks like. Describe the transformation.

ELEMENT/POWER: What domain do they rule? Remember they can't be all powerful!


COLORS: Only two please. secondary and primary.

FUKU DESCRIPTION: Describe in DETAIL! What color(s)? Gloves? Bows? Boots? wheres their tear blossom? etc.

ITEM(S): Describe items/weapon that they have and how they work. Include their transformation item.

POWERS/ATTACKS: What are their powers? They can have 2-3. Describe in DETAIL! How effective are they? How do they affect others?

HSTORY/LIFE: What was their life like before? What is it like now? Do they know of their identity yet? They can discover becoming a senshi/warrior in any way..Finding the tear blossom or having a dream, whatever.

FAMILY: Who are the members of their family? Describe them.

WRITING SAMPLE: THIS IS A MUST, it has to be 3 or more paragraphs but not a whole story please!~ Just so I can see how you write, it can be anything from an old writing sample or one you've already used for another RPG, or a day in the life of your character, or the discovery, or whatever.

ANYTHING ELSE: Comments, notes, questions, things that other characters shouldn't know, or don't know yet, etc.