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Kathryn's kewl Page

Hi people! this is like my 3rd time doing this cause my computer is shit but thats ok. I just would like to thank Aimee for letting me use her page so I can link on it. Ok this will be like my everyday life thing going on so i'll try to get on everyday and put new stuff on. My name is Kathryn and i'm 15. I had math, Lunch, Drama and music with Aimee and yeah thats it. Now I have Lunch and History with Aimee. You can e-mail me if you want and tell me stuff.

ok lets see what happened today: Nov, 5/99 I went to Toronto to see Famous peoples players and I ate at Mc Donalds and most people who were on the bus were gay retards.

MY FRIENDS AND WHY: Liz- she's kewl cause she plays the Tuba.

Aimee- shes kewl cause we do stuff in Drama and we eat pixy sticks

Stacey K- aka PROZZAK, she kewl she tried to play hockey lol

Kiki- He's retarted but thats ok

Adam- He's retarted too, but he makes me laugh

Mike- He's kewl cause he likes Korn

Pam- she should be paid for the advice she gives to people

Katie- she's kewl she makes up sayings

Louis- he's kewl cause he makes up words

Gilbert- He makes up things too

Carol-Anne- she kewl cause she's smart

SteveB.- I like to make fun of him

SteveI- I like to make fun of him

SteveT- I don't really like him but thats ok he's still kewl

Kavita- she's really kewl, and smart

Ryan- he's funny and his hair is kewl

Wesley- I like to make fun of his hair cuts

Eva- she's really pretty and makes fun of my ex's with me

Sandeeiy- she's funny and shes smart

Laura D- she stays up at nights and get real tired in the mornings

Salee- she's the funniest girl a ever met

Shanelle- she calls me Korn and she play the trumpet shes kewl

Andrea- she's kewl cause she can sing good.

Amanda- She's kewl cause she can imitate Mrs.Swan

ok thats all my close friends I think.


Korn-John is hot

Limp Bizkit- Fred it Hot

slip Knot-there kewl

Sweener- the lead singer and Gutair dude is hot

NIN- there kewl

offspring-lead singer is hot

eve 6- there kewl

Blink 182- the best band

silverchair- Daniel is SO Hot


- Annoying people

- Ginas

- Losers who thinks their kewl

- people who pretend they can skateboard

- 9ers

- really really smart people

- really really dumb people

- people who put empty milk bags back into the fridge

- toothpaste crusty's on peoples mouths

- Barney

- Teletubbies

- 6ers who try to give you dirty looks thinking there kewl

- floods

- tight pants

- tapered pants

- Sean Davis

- People who smell

- Kiss 92.5

- 103.5

- 99.9

- 98.1

- mean people

- girls who wear to much makeup

- Smokers

- shirts so small you don't know if there a pair of socks or a shirt.


- pizza

- Ice cream

- Italin food

- Chinese food

- Pie

- Angel food cake

- fruit roll up's

- fish and chips

- any school snack

- brussel Spruts

Foods I hate:

well I don't really hate any food so I'll leave this space empty.


eye colour: green

hair colour: whatever I die it but naturally dark brown

height: 5"9

weight: 105-125 (some where around there)

fav. colour: silver, green, purple, blue

pet: turtle (named Myrtle)

work: nope

sis/bro: 2 sisters Aimee (18) Jenn (23-24 not too sure)

stations I listen to: 97.7 and 102.1

channels: much, family, teletoon, cbc, tgif, ctv

middle name: Elizabeth Anne

live: Canada

fav stores: Queen street, west 49, Randy River, The Bay

Placing: Single