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empire records

this page is full of lines from the movie empire records.

i Don'T rEgeT The ThinGs I'vE dId buT ThoSe I DIdN't Do...LukAs

EmpIre Uh SORry! EPiRe ReCOrDs OpEn tIl MidNIght THis Is MaRk SpeAKing...Mark

OnE dAy I'm GoNnA sHoW yOu LiTtLe PeOpLe!...MArk, WeLl wHaT DaY wIlL tHaT bE MaRk?....JoE, HoW aBouT ToDaY, ReX ManNinG DaY... MArk, wHo KnOwS wHeRe ThOuGhTs CoMe FrOm, ThEy JuSt ApPeAr!.. LuCaS

Oh Yeah I ReallY knOW AlOt About lOve, My wIfE lEft mE fOr AnoTHer womAn and My GirLfrIens ForcEd me To LEave aT guNPoinT... JoE

iN tHis LifE, ThErE Are NuThinG bUt PoSsIblItiEs! LuCas

wHo KnOwS wHeRe ThOuGhTs CoMe FrOm, ThEy JuSt ApPeAr!.. LuCaS

jOe U knoW We're All in TrOublE aM i The ONly ONe Who SeEs iT?...LuCas

What'S with U today? whAt's With Today toDay? Aj n LucAs

I maDe yoU tApe LaSt Night For EducAtionAL PurPOses. MarK yOu GotTa UnderStAnd ThIS mUSic IS the Glue Of thE World, WithOut iT LifE Would BE mEanignLess. iT Ho;lds It all TogeTher... EdDie

No VisibLe TatoOs, no ReVealing cloThinG, We'Re BoTh ScRewED! But AtlEaSt yOu'rE UsE tO It --DeB noW DeBra DoN't Be bItTer. CerTainly wiTh yOur Ever gRowIng cOllecTion Of flEsH muTaliTing siLVer apendanGes and With yOur bRaNd nEW nEo nOtZi booT CamP maKe OvEr the Boys Will COme Running --GiNa LeT's noT fIGht, leTs' juSt riP! --DeB

Oh! i"Ve DeCiDeD i'm GonnA StaRt a BaNd----Mark Well The Fist Thing You Need IS a NaMe then you'll kNOw What kInd oF baNd yOU'vE gOt-----Lucas yEah yOu knOW i waS thINking of Mark---mArk now Would That be wiTh A c or wiTh a K?----Lucas well uMm my NamE is WitH (mark ObSerVes The Spelling oF hiS name on His Name TAg) a K, so I was ThiNkiNg abOut a C, you knOw so It's Kind Of Like thAt psychedliC trip ThIng---Mark Always plaY wiht their Minds--Lucas