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Okay for those of you have never heard of Frist Republic (I know that would be the majority of you). Well let's see First Republic is a local Brapton band. I found out about them one day when Lee was in music class and was walking down the music hallway with her lil' annoying calrinet and heard some ppl in a practice room playing cool music. Then, she found out that there were in a band called "First Republic" one day because they walked into her lil niner music calss to show the teacher their cd which they made. They were all in music creating class and you have to, hence the class name well create music. So they formed a band and called themselves Frist Republic and did really well in music creating class becasue they had produced a cd and formed a band.

Then lil Lee told me bout this band and one day on her way to music class she saw Andrew and bought the last cd that he had off of him. They got more cds after that though. Then she brough home the cd and we listned to it and it was good. So now we decided to find out who the ppl were in the band, we found out cause their names were in the cd. Then for a few months on lunch and b tween classes I would try to find them, eventually I met most of them and became one of their few fans which existed in our skool. But now I've met all of them. They all graduated so now no more bands at my skool.

If you want their cd you can check at HMV becuase some locations carry it or just ask me to get it for u. Right now they are either touring the US or are in production of recording their new album. The cover art for the cd was done a few months ago and I've seen it, but won't say what it looks like. They are going to be filming a video for their next single sometime soon. They've played a few shows in in Brampton, Toronto and in the US at places like The Rock, The Irish Centre and The Horseshoe. That's it fer now.


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