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hey you

Zcheck the list (which was made in no particalur order at all) to see if i left you a message, if i didn't then i'm sorry, lemme know and you'll be at the top.

ROBYN.....we've always got queen street in tOrOnTo, specailly mCdonals and f/X. we'll be back there soon eating nerds ice cream outside and looking fer your boots uv corse. and buying those christmas presents we forgot about in december. goofy riders rule, and we've always got table runners, korean food, glen eden galaxy learning centre, edge fest 99, snowball plants, koolboarders, our home made movies, the net n icq, sweener and ben haze shows and we musnt' forget rotten compost and my suprise lunches, oh and the venga bus may be commin but there;s no way that i'm jumping. :^) frenchie skool gal, hey, we can always speak it. lol we'll always have our soccer games, the game of life, sparkley hair, barbie neckalses, doc martens, weezer, nirvana, super mario go carts, spryo 2, lock stock n two smoking barrels and still at this moment trying to figure out what happened in that movie, you making kraft dinner, us making bacon, burning stuff on your stove when i walked in the door to leave for sum 41, glen eden fun times and the stoopid t-bar can kiss my ass cuz i suxs! there's also aimee n kathleen pants, sum 41 shows & yuck oops deryck, eating ring pops w. sum 41 outisde the elmocambo & the c.n. tower, the cottage memories, 3 times and once with the little paper note decorated with mice, tag in the lot & 7 11 slurpees. you've gotta come snowboarding again. tell jess, i still have that yarn lamp if she wants it. it's a bit dusty though. confused kathy? i know you are. it's okay.

IWONKA....ahh i haven't seen you in sooooo long. i'll come visit you soon and we can go to the vans skate park.

MUMTA....badminton gurlie for you i'll say their dog is kool cuz it's cute and i want it. thanx for everything.

JEN C...i luv your lil spikes and lamar board. u gotta luv blink, bugs, toronto and the ttc. jello tuba gurl? are u still getting ur spikes? we'll get our better decks one day and learn howta ollie.(thanks jon) maby we can learn at the warped tour. we've got all our plays, history class, issues and skateboardin fun. hi i'm jonathan from korn and i'm swell how are you folks? was fun cept fer one annoying person. lol i know u luv my boots, we'll see bout em one day.

KATIE....spam men are the koolest. gr. 9 science class was the best cuz we did nothing @ll year. we've gotta go snowboarding again. thanks fer all the icq late night fun, the superstar radio and the funky fruits web site. duct tape is kool, maby i'll bring some back from san diego. oh and ne one who can play "everyone wants someting" is a superstar. can i still be the girl in the red dress w. the cd player? and u r still sitting on mike's back. right? the blink show was great! we would not have met snake from degrassi, if u didn't realize it was him when we were outside of steves and if i hadn't caught up with him at the gap. lol

TANYA.....when are you getting yoour orange mod robes? don't be treating your pole badly now. I'm comming on your trampline soooon.

LAURA P.....virgina was fun. that lil beat is kool. hehe i like the picture on the chalk board. i wish i took a picture. weekenders rule.

VERONICA.....hey there lil math buddy. i'll always help you with solving equations or whatever. thanks fer everything.

Will M....horray you didn't leave us. we got to go skating some more. thanks for the pizza. mud sucks! oh and i like your car. bring shannon over sometime.

SHANNON..........hey i though it was u at much fer blink but i wasn't sure. keep visiting and come back soon.

VANESSA......edge fest was sooo much fun. two days of meeting and watching the bands in the sun and then the rain it couldn't have been better. ahh the memories. Edge Fest 2000 was super!!! :) i'll see u at the next street party. haha sscwbpacn, i think we're the ony ones who know what that stands for. we have to hand out lollies at a sweener show comming to a fine venue across toronto sometime soon. i'll try to get a better pic for your for my page on your site,

SARA..........i'll see u on the yellow bus. oh and u r the only original sweetie everyone else in unoriginal. the elmo was good. hey don't get any taller. walmart haha's avalon ballroom? as always thanks for your informatvie stories. dexters labratory rules. call me sometime.

AMANDA B....blink 182 and candy have to be two of the bestest things in the world.

DEVIN....thankyou for all the tech support which i have greatly needed.

LAURA other twinky hehehe lotsa fun times on the trampoline. look out fer the email. have fun with ur horoscopes krispy sita.

ADAM....w.y.d rules. will my army men ever be returned to me? i always get my kookies, specially when i want one. that tipit bench challenge thing is hard to do.

SEAN....the jell-o will return one day soon. the snow better come early this year. last season was too short. just maybe maybe u'll get a family one day, but don't count on it. haha no there will be no more go karting for me

JENNY.....xena sucks!! and so does the rock!! haha and so does herceleus and all those other dumb warior shows. south park is much much better. save the rainforest!

TENESHIA....funky fruits all the way. 98% no matter how bad it tastes or has that natural rotten fruit like dirt brown chucnky coloured apperance and tastes only like pears. science class sucks! silver creek was stupid.

KATHY was fun. hope next year is as good and hopefully we'll go snowboardimg more and won't get lost while looking out for the mountain. i'm not snowboarding with daniel, he's gay and he'z a loser. haha and yes collingwood does look like brampton. the edge electric christmas was fun, snow hah i though they meant the stuff on the ground. i hate rain, too bad the lcbo was closed. maybe u could have gotten some wine coolers. lol

JONATHAN..JORDAN..JOSE..sweener kicks ass. thanks for the free lollys and great shows you guys always put on. nameless puffs rules. enjoy the life saver lollie. thanx 4 the cd discount.

LINDSEY....i gotta mall guide so we wont get lost next time. the bus is so boring yet entertaining.

CARRIE....thanks for the finger eleven tape, sea shells and letters oh and the silvercahir sound files. the sj show was fun. lol

MIKE....the pictures hahaha don't werry i'll learn blind one day. they better put up the skate park soon. ,

MICHELLE...thanks for all the lunch time fun and food.

PAM....thanks for not making religion class as boring as it could have been.

WILL class sucks ass. it was much better in french with flying golf balls and burning peanuts. pokeman sucks. owe me quite a few things of silly putty. purpel and green.

WESTLEY...konrad's idol is rupol j/k lol the keyboard button races is genius.

De, Eliza, Eee,......sorry i ruined ur swiss chalet bib, i still owe u a nickle, don't make me snowboard w. u, u'll hate me in the end, thanks for my barettes. & for all.

I can't member everyone names right now but i know i forgot to add many of you and i'm sorry but i just can't member cuz it's to early. and everything is spelled wrong. ah well. that's all for now.