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Hole News

August 2000: so smashing pumpkins is breaking up. i don't know if hole has a new bass player but anyways they should get melissa back. DO IT!

July 2000: courtney was gonna be in a movie but while werking out she broke her ankle or did something to it. she's notin the movie no more cuz of her ankle and the shooting starts too soon.

March 2000: Courtney was making a film on a two hit wonder boy band from the 80's who wore the same plaid outfits, and were from Bay City called The Bay City Rollers. She started that in November. I don't know anything about it now. Melissa has left the band. She replaced D'Arcy from Smashing Pumkins. I'm not sure who there new bass player is yet. And who knows what D'Arcy's up to now.


Okay you must have heard of Hole before. If u don't know who hole or Courtney Love are then I'll assume you must not listen to the radio or watch much music. Well Hole are from Seattle, WA. Courtney Love is Kurt Coabain's widow.

The Band

Hole has been together since '91. Robyn and I luv hole. We're both really hard core fans. If you think hole's cool, then that's great but if not ah well! Me and Robyn used to listen to our celebrity skin cds everyday like 5 times a day. i think robyn still does, but there's nuthing wrong with that, cuz we say so! if you ever get to see hole in concert go! they are the best band to see live. I think robyn envys me cuz i've seen Hole in concert and she hasn't. We were both at edfe fest 99 the first day but we both left early. Robyn went home, but I went to nessa's cottage (thanx) and we went back the next day and wathced them. I will go see hole again in concert and robyn i'm bringing you with me. and we're going on road trip to seattle to sit in the park next to her mansion which she sold!! ok, well i'll put more hole info up later.

If I'm nominated for like a Golden Globe man, I'm there man! And I'm not there on a motorcycle trying to be a rebel either!! -Courtney Love hehehe

Discography...... (cd's)

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