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Aimee and Ilissa's Robyn Page

Well Ilissa met Robyn in grade 1 beacuse Deanne and Caitlin were friends and they got the to meet and they came bestest friends. I know Robyn cause I know Ilissa. Robyn's house is cool beacsue she has all her animals there is Chelsea, Billy, Bibio, and Oscar and they're all so cute. Ilissa and Aimee like going to Robyn's house and sitting out on the roof, we started that at Aimee's house on her roof out her window. although we haven't tried fishing outta Aimee's window with toys stuck at the end of our rods but we might tomorrow. (lol Carrie and Jon!) robyn used to send the posers hate email cause she thought fun but it would be better if they didn't discover her identity. All three of us try to play cool boarders at Robyn's house but Robyn is the only one who is good at it. Robyn is the bestets person to go shopping with. Robyn comes to all the cool shows with us, and she's even cooler for agreeing comming to the serial joe show us next week even thugh we bought her tickect and told her she was cumming when she came back from her cottage. Robyn comes to all the cool places with us like Foo Fest when we saw rusty, talk show(stp with different singer), treble charger and foo fighters. robyn came snowboarding with us for our bday partie. the magic carpet was the coolest cause we didn't have to take off our boards. thanks guys for making me (aimee) do everything else while u guys just watched me roll down the hill. we're gonna go again next year. robyn comes her to escape from seeing gary over at her house(caitlin's boyfriend who's in ben haze) and to escape from hearing caitlin playing and singing along to her def lepard albums. Robyn's is the bestes and we some how found her in the sea of the 35,000 ppl at edge fest and we met the cool bands and watched them. Robyn's cool becasue she slept outside on the trampoline with us. Robyn is cool cause she likes the same stuff as us and she wears the big pants like us. well i don't think nemore. hey if u don't want your jeans w. the pink stitching, aimee will gladly take them outta ur closet. they're beautiful. Robyn is the bestest at zombie by the cranberries on air guitar than Iliisa and Aimee. Robyn will be happy if you email her at

aimee's excellent scanning skills really shine through the picture of robyn above. that was taken in june or july 200 at melissa's house. melissa is one of robyn's friends. i just found robyn's gr. 7 picture. hmm maby it will be up here later on... hehe

