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okay this is my page called Un Informative News... if u really wanna know what happened on certain days go down and read them or just click the "back" button on ur browser.

thurs. sept 14: makes no difference was on on demand today, for the first time. tom delong is now "load sawlloer"?? yeah. i dunno why. man overboard is a grondbreaker today. maybe it'll break the ground in november. hmm. paintablling tomorrow. eat candy, lots of candy. candy is good. mega blow pops are full of sugar. do you want lost of cavities? well then eat some mega blow pops for each meal kiddies. and listen to mest, because they'll tell u what's the dillio. this makes no sense at all. i waiting for katie to tell me if we'ze going to sgt. splatter's tomorrow. okay that's all.

AUguSt 24... hey i am in quebec city updating but it's $.010 a minute. katie lemme know if ur going to the less than jake show. i wish i was going but i'm here. it's been pretty good in quebec so far. i'll be in montreal this weekend. i am coming home next week just in time for crappy skool to start, ah well. see u all next week, well those of u who i go to skool with. bye from quebec. -aimee p.s. i leant today not to put pop tarts in the microwave for 30 seconds then for another 45 seconds. i wouldn't come off the plate. oh well. thanx to who ever cleant it up. nice werk. haha.

tuesday aug 28: it just turned tues right now. girls take good care of my pets. kelly better keep brandy safe. i'm leaving in an hour and a half. i just finished packing about an hour ago. well iguess i'll see everyone at skool, cuz i'll be back the day before it starts. bye. p.s. edge fest 7 ahhh! i wish i went. oh, and mest rules!

friday august 11: SUMMERSAULT! Yep today me, Nessa, Lisa and Caitlin went to summersault. Oh my the advetures I had at Molosn Park. Well this is extremly long so if you have nuthing to do then you can read this. We took the GO there from Yorkdale then waited in line and waited and waited, for maybe 45 mins. i dunno.

It's five days later so I'm now trying to member what happened. We walked round for a bit and then seen Dave from Sum 41 and talked to him. Then we seen Stevo from Sum 41 and talked to him. Then we walked round and lined up for free treble charger and Eve 6 stuff. In line we saw Cone drive a golf cart w. Deryck and Stevo and some lady inside it. Dave wasn't there. then the line took so loing, that me and Caitlin went to the front and kinda just stodd infront of sum people. Then we got to the front in 5 mins and i stole a bunch of cool shit. And well then Nessa wanted to meet A Perfect Circle so we waited in line for them. But we missed them cuz there were too many ppl, and they took so long that Foo Fighters didn't do signings.

Over all Nessa stayed in line for 4 hrs. In line us 4 didn't do too much. Then treble charger went to on n me and Cailtin ran to see them. They rawked! Then we went back to Nessa and Leesa. We stayed in line for a bit more, then Leesa and me went to watch Eve 6. But I went to take pics upclose so I lost Leesa. I watched Eve 6 for a while, from the beginning until the end of the jet plane song. Eve 6's set was stellar. I lost Ilissa so I went back to Nessa in line.

When I got to her I saw Sum 41 on stage and was like oh shit! cuz I missed sum of them, so I took Nessa camera and ran. i went straight to the Sum 41 pit and saw Lisa and Caitlin in there, I passed them and in the end of their set I made it all the way to the front and took a lot of pictures. hopefully they turned out good. I get them on saturday so I'll see. then we went back in line and us 4 were there and we met treble charger. either b4 or after that, I don't member me and Caitlin went to the side of the satge and met Deryck and he took my 5 ring pops for him, Cone, Stevo, Dave n Greig. we got pics of that too. we met treble charger in the tent, cept for greig and all the gurls had my stuff floating round getting signed. Rosie, Bill and Trevor just laughed at all the edge fest pics of them we had and all the stuff we had for them to sign. Even Caitlin told me half the stuff she had was mine. Roise got my Tom and Jerry Pez for the front of the bus. It was of a dog fromt he cartoon, I think. I wonder if it stayed there for the whole tour. Then backsatge sometime around then I met Greig with Caitlin and i met Rick, Rich, Scott and Games from Finger 11 a few times during the day and got alot of their stuff signed.

After treble charger all us gals went to the side of the stage to see some bands and then we met finger 11 then. and rick the temp was there interviewing Raine and Jeremy from Our Lady Peace and cone was near there but kinda far away. Cone was the only one from sum 41 who we hadn't met that day, so all off a sudden you heard "Cone........" really loud. That woulda been Caitlin and me. Caitlin said, "one, two, three, CONE! "We didn't think we'd meet him in the tent so we wanted to try to then. If u saw the interview w. rick and olp on rapid fax then you might have heard us in the background, atleast nessa did. (this is 48hrs. later that i'm writing this now, so Summersault was a week ago tomorrow, so it's kinda hard to member. I cam on to do this earlier but ended up downloading all of nc17. hehe) Rick told us to go to the stage and watch Kiss. We saw Greig of Treble Charger, Rich of Finger 11 and and Mike and I think Duncan of Our Lady Peace all dressed as Kiss, comming out of the Finger 11 tourbus. Then Rick also did an interview with them and we watched them onstage right after that. We watched most not watch all of that though.

(hey now it's close to being saturday morning, so a week ago excatly I was lost and all alone, sitting with some kids I had just met, listening to the pumpkins and wondering if I would get home or not. If you read the rest of it and if I finish this, you'll see what I had planned incase I got left at the park all alone.) Okay yeeah so us 4 left Kiss to go to the Chart tent and see if we could get some Sum 41 pics, we knew we wouldn't get in though because the line was too long. But they got there just after we did. Then I aksed some girls if they were in line for Sum 41. All they said was "Some who?" So I asked them if I could go infront of them and get Sum 41's auhtograph. The nice girls let me and held my place while I went to get all the Sum 41 stuff I had brought with me that day, which was all packed in Lisa's bag. So she gave me everything, but my Sum 41 shirt which I had bough there earlier. Why didn't she have my shirt (which she paid $15 for), cause it wasn't in her bag anymore.

I was sad that my shirt was lost but once I got in the tent, it was ok. The band recgonized me cause they had all seen me earlier. Except Cone, who I hadn't talked to that day said "I know you!". It was werid no one in a band has said that to me before. But I was juts like "Yeah from the Elmocombo. I won the pooper contest". Deryck explained to Cone (who didn't really remember the contest) and Steve (who was like "Yeah I signed that email but I wrote all over it, what did it say?") I got everything signed by them, even my Sum 41 hoodie, which they were suprised to see. After I left that tent, my Sum 41 hoodie just became so much more valuable to me. :) Okay after that we went to the side of the stage and met Rich, (the drummer from Finger 11). I had two pictures of him from last year at Edge Fest and one from this year at Edge Fest, (when I saw him walking around and tok a picture while I was talking to him.) He signed all three and labeled them differently as "Hot Face", "Ugly Face" and "Okay Face". (Maybe I'll scan them up on here one day.)

Then we went to watch the Foo Fighter, ahh they were so good. I have some good pictures of them. Thanks to the man 7ft. tall who put me on his shoulders (after comming down to my short height and asking how I could possbily see the bands, all I said was "I don't really see the, more like hear them")so I could take some pictures of the band. After the Foo's us 4 found a tree by the phone booth and we stayed there. Then we met Roy from eu4oria. He satyed and talked with us for all of Our Lady Peace's set. Once OLP went onstage, me and Ilissa left to watch them. I went to take pictures and got lost from her. Oh, how I wished I stayed with her, becuase she ende up watching Our Lady Peace for a long time next to Cone of Sum 41 and his girlfriend. She stopped him and had nothing for him to sign, cuz I had her bag and said something like "I love you band". She talked to him for a bit and he though that she was me, cuz he was like "yeah I saw you in the Chart tent" but Lisa was like "no that was my sister". I don't know if he knew heard tha or knew she was my clone.

After OLP we all met at the tree and Roy was still there. When Smashing Pumpkings went onsatge, Caitlin went with Roy upclose to watch them. Nessa, Lisa and me all went togther to watch them. I went to take a picture of the band and came back and couldn't find them. Now was when I began to worry. I searched for them but I couldn't find the, I went to the tree and they weren't there. So I went to phone home. I stood in line for atleast half an hour. I made friends with they guy behind me (cause he took off about 5 times to find his friend and I had to save his place). Some guy from Bramalea started talking to me,most likely to watse time in the long phone line. His dilemma was to call his friend in the park so they could meet up and he would have a drive home. He was supposed to be in the Sum 41 video shoot @ Stevo's grandparent's but missed it for work.

My problem was Nessa's dad was comming at 10:30pm to pick her and Caitlin up and me and Lisa (if we wanted a ride home). Finally my turn at the phone and it's $3.60 to phone f***ing Brampton from Barrie. I had a toonie and the damb machine didn't take them. I also had a pocket full of change but for some reason didn't use it so I left the booth, without making a phone call. I left and walked around listening to the Pumpking's-garbage-of-a-set. Well if you were there you might have noticed the lack in past #1 singles being played. I don't have there 2 last albums cuz I don't like them and all I heard was noise, crappy noise comming from them about a mile or two away.

Then I seen that kid from the phone line and he said thanks for saving his spot like 5 times, and that he found hhis lost friends nad used his cell. So seconds later I ran after the kid and asked to use his freind's cell. So the kid said "ok" and pulled out a cell from his bag. I sat down and called my dad's cell, cause he was most likely on his way to Molson Park to pick up Deanne, Franca, Kelly and Jen. He told me to walk to the Molson Centre and be there in 30mins cuz Deanne and her crew would be there. After the kids friend came back and said I didn't have to pay for the call so that was kool. So I left them and walked out of the park during the Pumpkin's last song. On the way I bought a $2, I was hungry cause all I ate was candy and ice cream at the park and had cereal at home.

Okay so now I was making my way to the hockey arena to find Deanne and my ride home and I had some food with me too so it all looked good. I took a bite in to my oh-so-good-looking hot dog (i was hungry so it looked good) and then I was hit with a burst of ugly food! I had put some hot suace shit or spicy ketchup on it instead of normal ketchup. (I hate spicy food, can't stand it, even the slightest bit is too hot.) (I need sleep, this will be finished later on today, sometime after I wake up.)

(Alright I'm back now so I'm gonna finish this crap hopefully. Today is Wednsday.) So if I continue my story now you'll find out that I continued walking along down the long stret with about 10,000 other people all around me and i'm there by myself with an ugly hotdog. starving, i continue eating the hotdog tryin to get around the hot shit. so then i see another hot dog vendor and asked for some kethcup. this time i think it actually said ketchup on it so i poured some other red shit all over my biun, now it was dripping all over. i though this would make it less spicy but instead it made me cring even more. i walked down into the grass and eventually made my tired feet to the doors of the hockey arena. by this time i had ketchup on my face, was soo thirtsy, had extremly messy hair and my and my gel was no longer holding as of 8 hrs. ago, i was shivering and very hungey, i had no idea what time it was cuz i didn't have my watch, kinda scred cuz i didn't think i'd find a ride home. then i see two people sitting on the floor and saying "aimee".

i was kinda happy cuz some people knew me but i couldn't tell who they were. then i see it's jen and kelly. and right next to kelly was this half full pepsi botle and i just picked it up and asked for some. after i drank most of what was in the bottle, deanna and franca pop out from the doors of the arena. they were hapy they found me and just looked atme really weird. Franca wondering where i got my hit dog from asked me, I told her I got if for 2 bux down the road but I put some hot sauce on it instead of ketchup. and that it was burning my mouth and i needed a drink. Jen and Franca start laughing so loud and everyone around us just stares. they were both gonna oiss their pants. try to image me, this lil short gal with a hot dog in her hand that looked as if it hqd been attacked my a dog, ketchup on my shoes and all over my hands and sad cuz i lost my wacth and Sum 41 shirt.

I sat with them 4 for a while and tried to finsh off my hot dog. Deanne continually yelled at me and ,ade me throw it away. Eventaully I gave in and threw out the red pile of crpa with a bun and hot dog hidden some where underneath all the red toppiing. then by the garbage can some ppl said they liked my sokcs. that was kool. my hands were all red so i had to wipe them on the grass to get all the ketchup and hot sauce off but they were still all sticky. then our ride finally came. oh then i was happy. so we all get in all listen to that radio station i think 106.3 that did interview or was supposed to w. the bands who played at summersault today. we kept that on til we lost reception of it. we sorta got lost trying to go thru some resedential areas. eventually we made it back to line up of cars waiting to get ont he highway. i think it was atound 12am now. everyone was hot so they put on the ac and i was in shorts and a shirt freezing. i took about 2 hrs to get after we brought Franca and Kelly and Jen home.

I think I got home at about 1:45am. And then i saw asomething new on the lawn and was like "hey, it's a fountain". deAnne was like "it's a bird bath stoopid". i was juts like "okay whatever". So i got to my room and see iliisa who's like "i was home 2hr ago, why did u just come home now?". yeah ok whatever. I eventually feel asleep once i could no longer hear that ringing noise in my ears, i hate that noise.

well that's about the end of of my adventures for that day. ilissa was w. nessa who left during the pumpkins and nessa met up w. caitlin. then lisa was alone for a bit but after she seen them sitting down and went home with them. but she called mum who told her i talked to dad so she knew i'd get home ok. but i dind't know how leesa was getting home. but when or ride cam i found out leesa was getting home w. nessa. i just knew i had to find deanne and her crew at the hockey arena and i did. so it all turbned out ok. and when i woke up later that morining i found my toy story watch in lessa's bag that i with me almost all day, she put it in there. the only thing missing was the sum 41 shirt. I still don't know where that is now. :( But I'm kinda happy that I got home ok. As i was walking ot of the park to meet Deanne and Friends at Molosn Centre, I devised a plan. My plan was if I didn't find them to try and get back into the park, cuz i'm so small they might not see me sneakin in the wrnong way thru thousands of ppl. Well I was gonna try to find security and have em loctae me brother for me (which really i don't have a brother) and have them leave him a message, that krista was waiting for him cuz she missed her ride home. I wondered if it would werk. If you can find out what my plan really was then u'r pretty smart. I didn't think it'd werk but if i couldn't find my 2nd ride, I though I'd try it out. Cuz hey, even Roy passed security saying he was James Iha's lil bro, and he didn't even have any backsatges passes. ah well aybe i'll try out my plan at another show they play at and see if it werks. it'd be kool if it does though. 10 days after the show I finally got this all finished up.

thrus july no august 2nd: it's already august. today i did my eng. exam. i just wrote what i knew and sat there for someone to get up and leave but no one did, so i did. leesa took alot longer so i walked round the skool and got lost (why didn't that suprise me)but eventually found my way back. then i seen her and said i'm leaving so i hadta walk home for twenty mins all alone, wasn't too bad.

sat july 1..edge fest was today. it's was good but as as good as last year. went with lee, nessa, caitlin n mallory. met flicker, 3 doors down, & j. englishmen. got pics off em all and of limblifter, filter, nickleback, & some more on stage and goldfinger on and off. i got on the nickleback tour bus for letting the singer use my marker to sign autographs for 20 mins. rich from f11 was there and i met him again and got some pics. though i did miss the bbq at lil mike's where him n kyle watched edge fest on tv and got mad cuz dee told em me n lee were there. if i was at mike's i woulda probablly played on trampoline and played tony hawk. but barrie was great.

fri june 30... edge fest is tomorrow.

mon june 26... lotsa skatin fun today. the mud wasn't fun, bbut hte shopping cart ride was.

friday June 2...i skipped skool and went to jeff and marnie's house by strachan and adelaid. then i went up queen from strach to johh. *sugar mountain* had moved to queen street. i got some pez and a glowstick. at fx i seen the kool lady from the summer. sorry i don't think ur boots r still there robennz. but they have a new pile of accessories n candy. i went to much and sat in line for several hours. :( all my geek boutique shirts are gone from noise, :( hours l8r blink came and i got stick behind sum loser who was like 7' tall. meanwhile i', 4'9 (k, ur supposed to sympatize me now) i wonder if he's noticed that his dc patch is partially off his bag, hmm ah well. much was pretty dissappointing. then i found katie n devin n laura. outside steves katie seen sanke. so lee, me, laura n kate ran after him. i got in his way and stopped him. then we took some pics. then manda n tony came n we went to modrobes and found out we just missed blink. :( aww. so went to the car but the keys were inside. lol muy arms couldn't reach the lock. so we went to have dinner. then we got some keys and went to the show. fenix tx was super. oh and vanessa seen me there but i didn't see her. bad religon were ok and not ok and loud and long. blink were super duper. cept for the guy how fell on me crowd surfing right at the beginning of their set. i though i was gonna die. i seen chad from snowboarding w. skool n his friendz. the mosh pit was crazy. i got crippled and kathryn lost her shoe for a bit. it was all rad. hopefully the pics r too. i'll see em in a week. kathrynz napkin tshirt wasn't keeping her too warm after the show lol and i offered to let her wear my new blink shirt fromt he show, then wouldn't let her. hehe it's two daze later now and i feel like the first time i came back from blue mtn. two years ago. that's all fer now.

thursday april no may 18?: i never conquered rarely came, 16 just held such better days. Days when i still felt alive when i couldn't wait to get outside, the world was wide, too late try to try. The tour was over we'd survived. i couldn't wait til i got home, to pass the time in my room alone.

may 4-8: virigina beach sux, specailly all the small, things truth cares thruth brings. your right, not the best trip. nananananananananananananananana turn the lights off and bring me back home. highlights would include spraining my ankle and throwing ice cubes down at sum ppl. oh yeah and not finindning my hurley shirt and the shitty day at busch gradens with heat stroke. just lovely, very. maybe if next years trip is in bc, i'll smile. p(dot)S(dot) but on that trip i learned that sum gurls try to hard to some gurls try to hard some gurls try to hard to impress with those things on the chests and the things they suggest. sum gurls try to hard.

fri april 7: i swear you go to see the toronto symphony orchestra then run down to qwueen, to noise n modrobes n so hip, where u see all the kool korn pics and get sum free jones w. ur 3 stones. then pizza pizza, and make it back just as it starts to rain, then the next day you go horseback riding in the middle of nowhere one day. the day after u get back and ur learning trench warfare? and lysander luvs hermia who hasta marry demertuis vuz egelus says so, but he luvs helena. ahh! yup. haha hi kristina! oh and we'll always have that tree our tree in histroy! not understanding? ahh well.

thurs march 23: boring don't read. yep desperate attempt, kathryn and i made our kinda demo tape thingy. we took what's my age agin? w. ot lyrics and made up our own for it, which are similar to the original. cept ours is all bout goign to jail & what happens to u. so when will u get to hear us? most likely never. our first recording was on a tape w. fuzzy heads, being taped over corey heart. second attempt at recording was on a labtop, which only saved as wavs. for 1 min long so we hada make a few, but it didn't save them all. those were both the night b4 at kathryn's. at skool we hadta use all this equipment, thanks mr.l, we finally got it all working at had to keep our first reocrding cuz we had no time for a second. so how bad were we? u don't wanna know. hehe mayvbe one day you'll hear a recording of this, but for now there is only one copy which graces my presence and is located inside my vans box.

thurs mar 9: wed...shred central...sweener there... i'm tired. just wrote crap 4 the 6 days b low. that's how it always werks. i've missed degrassi all week :( zit remedy rocks! hey u...blink 182...june 2nd..molson ur tix 2morrow...26.50 + tax & service charge...get a tix...u'll be happy :) hey..i updated..yeah :P

tues mar 7: went to the coffee house. sid & adam's band & itopia or eyetopis, (don't know who to spell it) were great. correction eyetoke.

sun march 5: 2 lazy 2 do ne thing. as always, why isn't that supriing? slept all day then did all my damb homwerk.

sat march 4: returned to blue mtn. 4 molson export air raid 2000. let's see i seen the last hour of the half pipe finals, then did sum boarding, then went to my vip area, did sum more boarding, back 2 vip area watched gob, met gob once agian, watched big air finals, went boarding & watched big air finals on the hill, wento to get sum more free food & stuff from vip area, saw gob preform agian after big air finals were done, met gob agian, got pics taken, free gob hockey puck & more free air raid stuff, did more snow boarding, then had sum chocloate milk 4 dinner & dirty my sugar hoodie, still dirtied a week l8r(sobs), then went home & fell asleep. lotsa fun, wish more ppl came w. me, but it was great & i fell asleep all the way home, but wouldn't u? u know u would. :) we musn't 4get those free lovely pizza pockets. yummy!

fri mar 3: sum 1 tripped on the back of my van and made it fall of, lol, and then sum 1's curious george lunch box fell on young st. right by sum cars. lol sum 1 shoulda watched who's vans they were stepping on!!! ne wyas gergie stroumbulogus liked the lunch box. it came back home w. us & r vip tix.

tues feb 29: i won vip tix to 4 the molson export air raid 2000. thank u edge 102.

fri feb 25: finally we all went on r big boarding trip to the blue. it was great, cept for the cold feet on the way home.

fri feb 18: today was the crappiest day i'd even known, i can't wait for tomorrow, tomorrow's too much alone, i'll tear my eyes out............... what snow storm were they calling for? i got like 2cm of snow here not 20! rite.. screw them all! ah well, the big boarding trip is next fryday now and the lil one would be tomorrow.

fri feb 4: went to 50's diner w. kathy, jess, janet n everyone else. note, when smacking the jutebox because it isnt' playing, make sure someone's ear isn't up against it, sorry jess. raspberry jam..mmmm

mon jan 31: went snowboarding at glen edge w. kathy n jess for their first time. but at then end of the night they pulled off their own lil fancies. lol congrats kathy! in conclusion t-bars suck! ur much safer w. the carpet. u gotta luv those blue diamonds there.

fri jan 28: so far, i went to skool, did my math exam, missed my bus to come home, so had to stay at skool 1 hour longer for the next one, then walk home from the very far away from my home bus stop and freeze. then i watched emprie and ate a cinnabon, becuase i tired sleeping but that didn't werk.

jan 24: i haven't updated in so long, so i a now. i am @ home updating cuz i'm not @ band. my little army men and tech deck have been at ransom for a week now, i miss my lil sk8board, i miss changing the wheels. ah well, i'll get them back soon enough. let's see what's new, umm jacquie added a page up on me on her site, so go read it. thrus jan 13: he! he! i'm not at skool. so i'm updating. amd there's actually sum 1 on icq, one a shari's friendz. i havta see jacquie's pics from new years, i'll scream when i see em. i got mah tech deck back on monday! cuz adam (of similar apperance) took it home 4 christmas. he 4got to give it back to me in drama class on the last day lol i though i lost it, then he had it in the caf and i got it back. everyone likes to steal it, and i loose it alot, but i always get it back. :)

fri jan 7: well what better thing to do, then update ur site, when u have nuthing else to do? well the day just started 2 mins, ago, so there's not much i can write. cept i think i may have found a link to capturing the gay hurting poser, who thinks i don't know who they are. they are wrong, ha! ha!

mon jan 3: me n my lil clone so knew we had like no absolute chance of going, but we were the only ones home today, so we sat around and though of stupid ideas on how we could possibly get to the sweener show tonight. we actually did it though. we came up with a stupid plan and it actually werked. we got a ride down there, and one back. we didn't get there til bout 8:15pm, and it started at 5:30pm, lol, but we walked in the door and sweener was on stage, and i was like so happy, cuz i though i'd missed them completly. we only saw like almost half their set, but it was really good. and then i got to see the almighty jonathan, don't ask me why he's almighty, i don't have and answer for ya. and i got to meet jose, he knows who i am now, lol and mandy. i got to talk to shari, mah long time kindergarten pal. and i got to see jordan n maggie, i met em in aug, but don't think they member me, oh well. we went to fx after sweener went off, they were like putting their instruments in their carz. fx was closed so we went o famous mcdonalds at queen n spadina. then we went to buy candy, then went back after that. we saw xstereo, they were good, and so was theri rainbow butt monkeys cover of circles. then came karma 69, who sucked! their cover of anuerysm was okay, but the best thing bout it was the most pit fer it. lol! neways it was lotsa fun, specially sweener cuz they're da best! i havat get their cd. me and jacquie are gonna meet and we're so doing our lil lolly thing at the next sweener show

sun jan 2: me n kathleen finally finished making my fleece pants, it took us so long, only like 4 days. lol then we hadta take em in so much. ne ways they r so nice. now we just havta finsh my hoodie, but it won't take as long.

wed dec 29: yep i'm the winner and the only sum 41 fan who's got the socan mag, with em in in and has it signed by deryck. i went to a wicked concert today. me, cloney, robyn n kathleen went to see sum 41 and faster than eddie at the el macombo. we only really went cuz i got on the sum 41 guestlist and got myself and a friend in free. we hadn't heard ne songs by any of the bands before, but we still went. i knew sum 41 would be good though, cuz greig nori's their manager, so they must be good. You might think it's pretty werid of me to enter a contest to go see some bands play at a club I have never been to before. But hello Sum 41, yeah I hadn't heard any of their songs but that didn't stop me. faster than eddie were good, and so was there wonderwall cover by oasis, especailly the 2nd verse where it was all improv. lol me n kathleen got demos of em. sum 41 kicked ass! they were so good. specially their covers of nookie, then deryck goes baby hit one more time and they did no scubs. it was so fuuny. and u gotta luv their stage antics, it was kkol, cuz deryck, cone, and dave all did the same thing at the same time. adn they had the mimi trampoline out their too, which was kool. i really wish they had demos, but i got their hoodie, it's so nice.i luved liked all their songs, but don't really remeber most of them, except for a few lines. lol it kinda suxed though that we got there l8, cuz i missed greig. oh well. then after sum 41, we lft and went to the candy store next door and bought ring pops. then deryck, cone and his gf, and dave went to the candy store too, to buy water. then we all just talked outside the elmo for so long, bout ring pops, shoes, the cn tower and how deryck likes going there, and david suziki and how sum 41 thinks he'z kool. it was lots of fun though.

tues dec 28: it was so very bronig today! i can't tell u how many epsiodes of s club 7 i watched today, they would just end and then start agian. lol and i watched the repeat broadcast of the gravity games twice today, which i've already so many times.

mon dec 27: i went night snowboaring to blue mountain. there was losta snow but the wind was brutal! lol it was so cold! and the bunny hill was full of ppl, this time i was on easy street lol, last time i was on sugar bush, which is better. i got another report card, they're kool, shut up! neways so i'm novice now. my lil clone is still a beginner though.

sun dec 26: boxing day! and i went shopping. i got this kool light with stars, and it'z sparlky. i got snowboaridng mittens at skiis n biikes, and sugar sweater from west 49, cuz it'z so preddy, and it was the only thing in the store that fit me. lol i went to kathleen's at like 8pm, cuz we were gonan go out fer coffee (i dont like it but neways), so us, janet, patrick, lindsey, kaylan n cameron went downtown brampton. we were gonna go to the 50's diner, then we got there and it was closed, so we all went to gustos pizza, next door, and across from 711. after kathleen, janet n me ranback to kathy's house in the snow. we were so cold and our big pants were covered in snow up to our knees. then we just stayed there, janet left at like 11:30 and i left at like 12:15 am.

thurs dec 23: me n kathryn gave each other her gifts. she liked her chain thingy, lunch box and m & n's and i luv my finger sk8board that she got me. cept i think i left it in my locker, *cries* it wasn't in ne of my bags when i came home. but i had 3 bags with me, my glockenspiel and cymbals. we were supposed to go snowboarding tonight cept glen eden has no snow and only like 2 runs open.

wed dec 22: today is christmas eve eve eve! i was snowboarding a week ago today, i wanna go again! i was shopping today, i just started my christmas shopping,i know i'm so late, well i got kathryn's present today, and she better like it! i know i'll like my gift from her, cuz she told me so, and it's from her, so it's gonna be good. i only have to buy i think 4 more christmas presents now. lol and they aren't ne sales at all! i think i'm gonna buy sum stuff on boxing day and keep it for next christmas. lol i'm listening to the beatles, srgt. pepper's band rekord, it's the best. i think kathy & me r the only ppl that i know who are our age and luv this album. i member when we used to listen to it at her house when we were in french skool. well i havta give out my gifts at skool tomorrow and read all the icq messages that i'm getting right now, but thta's okay cuz i'm helping out robyn and jen's helping out me. robyn's telling me i'm the best, and i'm just thinking then why don't i know whut to do, and i'm thinking jen's the best, cuz she always knows whut to do. and tanay's here so she can help me too. ok i'm gonna stop typing.

wed. dec 15. deanne's b-day is today, and the only time i saw her was at 7am and 11pm. i went snowboarding and it was so much fun. i'm still wondering how the guy at the rental shop, still dosen't know how to do his job. i mean, if u ask for a goofy board, u think they'd give u one. but nope, i got a Normal (left foot forward board) board. then during my lesson, i was like, why am i going the same way as everyone else? so, i went in to the rental shop, then they did sumthing to the board, so i went back to my lesson, and my boot wouldn't fit in the binding (i had those steel ones, and i never had em b4, so i din't know how to get into em). then i find out that my boot is goign in, cuz they set up my board "pigeon toed" which is just screwed up. so then i went back in ther, and told em to turn em around 180 degrees, then they did that, and i got to ride goofy. i don't know how many times i fell, but i am in pain right now. then finally, u get the hang of it, and u havta leave, cuz i now know,(notice how i wrote now) how to go down the hill without falling. and i can turn, with out falling too, and i finally learned how to get into the steel binding all by myself. maby next time i'll be able to tie my boots tight enough, so the ppl who werk there, won't havta do it for me. lol all i can say is.. i wanna go again.

tues. dec 14. it's snowing! ahh! deanne's b-day is tomorrow. he he i know what her present is. i went to get it last night at erin mills. well she's gonna get her roxy watch and the snow that she wanted tomorrow. i'm going snowboarding tomorrow, yeah!

sat. dec 11.. okay i'm not, except at sum 1, who i wanna beat down into the ground. neways, i went to full tilt and it's the bestest ever. they have so much nice stuff there. i'm going back on boxing day.

fri dec 10: iT's just jUsT oNe Of tHoSe niGhts, wheN u dOn'T waNNa go To SLeep, aN EveRytHiNg'S FuCkeD, and eVerYboDy Sucks, AnD I dOn't rEaLly kNow wHy, bUt i wAnNa juStIfy riPpiNg sUm 1's hEad oFf. YOur bEst beT is tO stay aWAy MOthEr F**K*eR, It's JuSt onE oF ThoSe DaZe. It'Z aLl aBouT ThE hE SaId, ShE sAid BulLShiT, i ThInk U beTter QuiT it, TalkIng ThAt sHit. And If My NigHt KEepS GoInG ThIs Way 2NighT, I miGht juSt BrEak SuM F***iNg StUfF ToNIghT.

thursday dec 9: well this morning my lucky charms met the garbage. let me try to remeber what it looked like, umm well it was all colourful from the marshmellows and it brown and chucky from the cereal, then the milk added a nice looking white liquid subsatnce to the combination. next time i'll get a pic for u. i am at home right now and i am bored, so i am updating my web site. yeah, well atleast skool ends in an hour, so then i can get all of my non wonderful homework from kathryn. i have a math test tomorrow, i wanna do it on monday, i'm gonna see if i can. oh no, that dumb business project which we've barely started is due tomorrow, i think, unless she changed the date, i hope she did. well katies probabally mad cuz i'm at home and we'z supposed to do our project. i am also bored cuz everyone'z at skool and i'm not getting ne icq messages. i'm going snowboarding next wed, and katie, laura, and i have decided that we'll probabally spend the whole time on the bunny hill, falling on our @sses in the powder (cause they're ain't no dmab snow yet) but being so proud cuz we fell. well if ur going on the trip be sure to cum watch us make @sses outta ourselves, and fell free to come join us. i'm still waiting for it to snow.

Sun DEc 5: there's nothing i luv more then being woken up by loud annoying crap rock! i went to peterborough. oh how i enjoyed the ride there n back. i was outside in the rain with felix, cuz he wouldn't stop barking. and i hadta walk him in the rain with eva. ed's music store was closed of course, like it always is when i'm there. but i will go there one day. my throat still hurts.

Saturday Dec 4: i went to erin mills, then fell asleep for three hours, then i went to square one and i seen steve thomas there. and my throat hurts. i got 3 kool pez dispensers and sum other kool stuff. i finally came home and deanne was on here so i went to go bang on my skins at 11pm, he1 he! no sleep for u!

Friday Dec 3: it's december. me and kathryn sat infront of our lockers this morining, becasue we were tired. we got up a minute before our class started and went to class. i had sum more lucky charms cereal and gummie snacks today. robyn went on a retreat today at the church across from my skool. her line is busy right now so, i can't tell her to cum over. nick just left with the pics from on top of the piano, to go scan them and get doubles of them. we wanna see how long it takes mom to notice they're gone. he. he. i have three very ugly pages of math homework ahh! and i havta do it all before sunday, cause i'm going to peterborough on sunday. knowing me, i'll end up doing my math on sunday night at 10. i havta go to the snowboaridng meeting before band on monday. robynz came over and we watched 10 things i hate about u, and we did sum other stuff. he he

Tue Nov 30: it's freezing outside! but i wondering where there snow is cuz i wanna go snowboarding. i wanna set up my scanner today, hopefully i will today, then i can put sum pics up on my site.

Mon Nov 29: robyn is grounded from her computer 4 a whole month. but that's okay cuz i will just make her cum here and use my computer. i'm gonna save her and bring her here. today is lizzy's birfday. yeah! aimee'z playing on icq and is very happy but that's alright. twixster and jenn make it all good. oh betty aka kathy'z on. we're gonna make me sum sweet ass big polar blue n orange flece pants and make a site for her.

Sun Nov 28: I wanna go snowboarding! u wanna cum? ok u can. I wanna go sk8boarding to an master the damb ollie.I went to the computr show and i got a printer and a scanner. i'm gonna put sum better pics up on this page soon. eva finished her book! good gurl! my mummy had a kitche supply party. ha1 ha! i know. she went insane cleaning and crap like taht and made me leave my own house, so i went to the computer show and lukas' house. i discoverd no name, they're kool.

Saturday Nov 27: watched a blink concert on my computer.

Friday Nov 26: OKAy i just downloaded napster and i downloaded stitches by orgy & falling away from me by korn. i wanna download that limp bizkit song but i don't member what it'z called, it goes "it's just one of those days", well if that's what it'z called then they are no mp3's 4 it. i think i download too many things, i'll probabally screw up my computer, but i hope i don't. ohh my wrist is ok right now, but if it'z screwed up tomorrow i havta get my xrays done. i've strted my math homeworks and it is partially legible cuz i wrote it with both hands, i wish i could write good with my left hand. i havta werk on midi and do my play by ear. i think i'll update sum other pages now.

Thursday Novemeber 25: In gym sum guy stepped on my wrist and leg. i got to miss the rest of gym and cum home at 12:30. i didn't have to go to music and drama, yeah! my hand is all wrapped up now. i'm goign to get my x-rays done in an hour. robyn's at home and she's not anwersing her phone.

Wednesday Nov 24: I still haven't figured out how to use my winamp. I can't listen to my sweener mp3's *sobs*. I really wanna listen to them, but it opens them in real player and won't play them cuz i need to download a newer version. i want sum one to do it for me. well anyways i just got home from my skool's award ceremony, i got a pin, cuz i was on the honour roll last year. my average was 85% *i think*. i got a silver pin, that has my skkol name on it and says honours 1999. I wanna get one every year. Deanne has one from every year she'z been there. Iliisa got one today too. Eva's goal is not to be on the honour roll. Kathryn and I sat together and us and Salle and Wes, decided we're gonna get the pins every year. Wes has also started a new fad, it's wearing your honour roll pin at the bottom of your pants. Umm, Wes I don't think your new fad is gonna last too long. I finished my little interview with adam today, so i'll type it up on here tomorrow.

Tuesday Nov 23:m it's 8:18 pm and i'm super hyper i dunno why though. i probabally look really dumb right now but i don't care. i'm lisetnting to josie by blink 182 and it's like the best song ever (jen knows what i'm talking bout). and i'm sitting her on my lazy boy at my computer heading banding and screaming " i know that everything, i know that everything, i know that everything, everything's gonna be fine. " okay so after reading this you must think "okay she'z werid", but i don't actually care. my feet r kold, so i just put on my winnie the pooh sox. it's cold down here. i was just talking to Amanda, and she'z kool. i'm waiting 4 her to call me back now. Music class today ilissa, laura and me all went into a practice room to practice r ensemble and we sux. but that's ok. at lunch today kathryn split coke all over her. he! he! it was funny. so we went to the office to get her a dress pass and sum big pants from her daddy. then we ended up walking to her house. we had kookies, mountain doo, & we wacthed tv. kathryn decided to put on her skool skirt. after her sister (aimee, yup same name as me) drove us to skool. we got there at 10:55am and that'z when r cl@ss started. i ran up to me locker to get me gear (coat & gym clothes) then i headed down to gym cl@ss. after gym in drama i interviewd (well sorta) adam (my friend from similar apperance). appearnce). we hadta werk on r soap opera skripts, so my interview more like conversation was short. i'm gonna ask him sum stupid qwestions at lucnh/brekkie 2morrow and put em up on the simialr apperance page 2morrow. bye bye!

Thursday Nov 18: got rogers today after skool, and am happy about that. look 4 me on icq. i just got it today an d i was talking to robyn n jacquie.

Thursday Nov 11: rememberacne day & jello wars day. Yes, I will explain for all the confused ppl out there. okay so i brought a big blue tupperware container to skool filled with green good tasting jello (flavour unknown at the moment). REveryone was eating my jello even sean and they all liked it cuz it was good. So u may ask jelllo? why? well simply 4 revenge and ammmo and lunch. At the park at lunch aka brekkie (meaning 2nd period) we began the war. It was Kathryn n I against Sean n Steve. Unfourtunatley (spelled wrong, i know)i got jello-ed all over. It was freezing outside and i had sticky jello all over my burton coat and modrobes n uniform. All 4 of us got jello-ed. We decided to put an end to our jello wars which were started by me*. We wne inside near the end of lunch, and Kathryn wen tto her guidance appt. Then I went to get the jello off of me but most of it didn't cum off. Then us 3 were in the hallway 4 the rememberance day service and prayer. Sean n STeve felt really bad cuz i was jello-ed badly that they said they would take me snowboarding and give me their free lift ticket thing and pay 4 my rentals, which would be very kool if this little plan actually goes through. In music class all of us told our teacher we wanted to got to the football game. So he let us pay him the day after so we could skip our last clsss (music) to watch our undefeated football team. Then me, liz, kathryn, and lisa wnet to the game. we saw Sean n steve there. fatty fat matt tried to say sumthing to me but i was like no don't talk to me, i h8 u! then us 4 (the jello squad)met up with a bunch of ppl and i the game was boring so me n ilissa walked home, through mud. it was reallly muudy and i got covered in mud and jello by the time i hot home. then at home i washed everything aand had sum cereal and went to werk (nextdoor).

Saturday Oct. 30. As of 2morrow i'll will be kicked off the internet. I have no idea when I will be back on. Hopefully very soon! So don't get mad at me for not emailing u back for a few weeks. Me & Ilissa had a fun morning strolling down some resedential streets in downtown toronto. we wnet to visit my lil sweener friend jonathan. we were at sum desginer fabric outlet on qween street at like 9 am. and we were like this is boring. so we went walking down the street and found johnny's street. i left a lil message outa tree bark and leaf stems. lol. then we went back to the store about a hour later. then mummy n auntie decided to go antiquing on qween, right by Ronscensavelles and the McDonalds, they said they wouldn't take long, but they always do. so i wnet and bought sum paper and a pen and wrote lil johnny a note. then we wnet to bring ti to hs home. then me *smart ass* saw a street and though it'd b a shortcut (i think it was chancellor, i can't member be nemore.) so we went walking down it, and i'm lke this is a nice street and iliisa's like yeah it's also a dead end too dumbass! so we hadta walk all the way back down the street, go down qween, the go drop off the lil note. finally i dropped off the note, while ilissa was like on qween cuz she didn't wanna walk. i ran up to the door and stepped and almost fell on the tree bark and leaf stemz i left there. lol i t hink the neighbor's though i was kinda weird. after this i was very tried and then we both meet up with mummy n auntie who were in the car already and i'm like oh we're in shit. but we weren't. all that fer a hello note. oh well it was fun. later find out that johnny was right by the antique stores and i was like if i only knew that. hey i didn't see too may ppl up with halloween decroations. hmm i wonder where they all were. i tired to get my sweener tape but didn't but that's ok. hopefully i will get it at their next concert, that's hopefully assuming that i will be there. i will find a way to get there. i got home like b4 twelve and was too tired to do ne thign else.00000 Happy Halloween everybody!

Thursday Oct. 28. I am now online after several difficulties with computers and servers and many other things i still don't understand. but as of sunday, i will be cut off from my server, and i was just informed of this today. after sunday, i have no idea when i will be back online. I have finally replyed to all of my emails recieved from Oct 7- Oct 27. I am updating because I am so very bored. I got my hallloween costume today,a nd i'm wearing it to skool tomorrow. I am not sumperman but supergurl! My costume is a bit different then the one in the tv cartoon. For my cape is blue not red, I have no yellow belt, I am wearing bright blue mod robes instead of tights and i'm wearing a blue shirt with the superman logo on it.

hursday Oct 7: i am so very bored. but i'm listening to sum blink. the coffe house @ skool was kewlh. u can read bout it on the similar apperance page.

Wednesday Oct 6: going to the coffe house y'all. it's gonan b good.

WEDNESDAY Sept 29: k, well nothing's up. memeber y'all u gotta have "faith". no more drafting 4 me. oh, and black light rulz!

TUESDAY SePT 14:...well I told myself I had to update my site 2day cuz I actually have time to. So I'm gonna update sum stuff. Okay well skool sux! well it'z not like prision but it'z not as entertaing as a hole or finger 11 or sweener concert. Oh, and we musn't ferget that I'm in the skool band! he! he! I am one of the 7 percussionist in the band! Our band is gonan go to Boston or Louieviile in mAy or April so that'z kool.

WEDNESDAY SEpT 1: today well so far, i walked felix, had sum toast, updated my site, played on line, listentd to sweener and treble charger and finger eleven. i'm gonan go call robyn now n see if she wants to cum here. if i do nehting else today i'll write it up here.

TUESDAY AUG 31: today i wnet to the koolest mall in brampton, robyn u gotta know which one i'm talkin bout, yep shopper's world. that place sux ass! deanne made me go with her, but she bought me sesame street elastics, i've gots zoey, big bird, n elmo. n she also got me this colgate sodim flouride berrylicious flavour toothpaste. cuz i hate mint flavour toothpaste it makes me hurl. but the berry one's got tweety bird on the front and it tastes good.

MONDAY AUG JOhn, deanne, ilissa, n me went out fer donuts and took deanne to werk. then us 3 went to wodnerland and all we did was go on white water canyon and wach sum dumb ass mad science show. then we wnet to jonh's hosue and we watched stoopid beach movies from the 80's. and i played with the bunnies and cat.

SUNDAY AUG me, lisa & robyn went to see sweener and eu4oria. we only wacthed sweener though cuz we don't like eu4oria. SWEENER KICKDED ASS! and they're kool. we met em too. and i punched the drummer. ha! ha! we left after sweener and we went shoppin at fx again and other kool stores and bought more stuff. the sugar hut kicks ass! and so do pixie sticks!

SATURDAY AUG 28:...robyn, lisa n me went to the crapiest show ever. well i've been to one's thaT were worse. we went to see serial joe in a tent! it was so stoopid! we only went cuz we though sweener was opeing 4 them. then we left early and went shoppign on queenn street to fx and other kool stores. the weird ppl scared us though cuz it was dark and it was night time, so we went to mc donalds fer an hour. we saw bif naked walking down the street and said hi to her and she looked at us! ahh! that was so kool. we bought kool bracelets at fx.

FRIDAY AUG 27:...robyn ditched her dinner date. ha! ha! and we attempted to make carrie and jonathan's video but failed miserably. he! he! we were mad though cuz we missed the fre bif and finger eleven show and the free treble charger and ecoline crush show!

TUESDAY AUG 24:...robyn, iliisa, caitlin, and me went to the cne. me n ilissa got motion sickeness or sumthing from the rides, u know like all of them that spin? then we were all on the twister thing, immitation of disney world's tea cups and robyn and caitlin turned the stoopid thing in the middle soo much that i threw up in the tea cup thingy and on my pants and iliisa threw up on the ride and on her sweater. then the guy came to help us out and stepped in ilissa barf and told us we were nasty and we just laughed at him. then we ate. then in line 4 the carousle ilissa n me threw up again, cuz we ate and the carousle like clown music made us nautious so we threw up again. then we went to hang out n wait for robyn's dad in coronation park. oh wow! every one was donwtown 4 the rem show. then when i got home i threw up again... i put up sum more wall decorations..

MONDAY AUG 23:...robyn dosen't envy me and my necklase ne more cuz i made her one. i updated my web site and got my shows page up,every time i tried to put it up i got disconneced but not this time. k, now mummy wants a century. i think we're gonna meet with the adjuster (coroner) guy 2day cuz he called this morning and disconneted me. we're goign to see serial joe in 5 days and sweener n eu4oria in 6 days. 2day me n ilissa wnet to robyn's house. we played lego's and chatted on icq 2 carrie and jonathan. we went to the candy store and brough chelsea in with us and bough kinder suprises, then made our toys at the park. iliisa got jipped cuz her toy was already made. robyn's mummy made us penne and gary thought me n lisa were the queerest ppl cuz we starined our sauce. well u know what gary ur kinda queer too. our lego's r still at robyn's house..

WEDNESDAY AUG 18:... me. lee n robyn went to the rock to see a.d.d, ben haze, evolution project, moneen, palmerstone and shag. they r all local brampton bands which i will now add that they all sucked ass!!! except for ben haze who were really good. we only really went to see them. they had the biggest crowd out there and they even had ppl moshing. their had a really good set, although cuz we were right infront of the satge we couldn't really hear monica and mark singing. their covers of above by finger eleven, bulls on parade by rage against the machine, and blind by korn had everyone in the place moshing. and so u asked just how big were the mosh pits for the other bands? well they all seriously had 4 ppl mosh pits while we had our couch. lol, robyn to the big fat guy who kept crowd surfing and no 1 would catch him! i'll put a ben haze page up on here soon. my ears just stopped ringin from that show. we really only went to the show 4 ben haze cuz caitlin let us cum with her and gary.

MONDAY AUG 16:... well me, my sis and mummy were on the 401 just b4 the exit to islington and we saw smowe cumming outta r car. then a flam appeared. we did not have enough time to put on our emergency signals but if u saw a car on the side of the higway burning down hopefully u would be smart enough to not come near it. then we got out of the car and these tow truck ppl came and helped us. we waited 20 min. 4 the fire trucks to come and put out this lovely fire, while i was wondering around terrified and anxious to see what would happen the ditch of grass while my mom n sis were at the side of the road as some guy with his vidoe camera set up on a tripod on a highway above us filmed the whole thing. so then finally the fire ppl came and they were just waitihng becuas ethey didn't know what 2 do, well ovbiously u're supposed 2 put out the fire! so when the fire was out we went 2 two differnet car places to bring our car too. then my dad came 2 pick us up and bring us home. later on that day we got a rental car, it's a madza protege but my mom hates it cuz she sayS it's too bumpy, slow and has no power. i just like it 4 the cd player though. so needless 2 say we didn't end up goign to werk and we missed the annual st. georges golf and country club bbq that day. they aired our car on fire on the noon and 6pm ctv news.


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