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What Am I Saying Now?

this is a copy of for much music.

beofre you read this all i have to say is don't hate me for having my own opinion cause if you do then you are the biggest hypocrite around.

enjoy and note that this is just what i'm most likely pissed off at for the moment. and it probablly has nothing to do with you. more just a way to cure bordeom and say what ever I want,


Any Much Music Employee Who Reads This

I was wondering why you won't air treble charger's newer video for their song red. I haven't see it yet. Perhaps there are some "unsuitable" scence which would disturb some viewers. All I know is that there is mail man in it. Also I'd like to know why you have only aired the Sum 41 Makes No Difference video ONCE!! Incase you didn't know they are from Ajax! Yeah that resedentail area not too far from Toronto. Maybe you could air less Britney Spears' video's and air the Sum 41 video once in a while. "The Nations Music Station" that what you call yourselves, isn't it? Perhaps if you would like to stay true to this title then airing Sum 41 video would be a wise chocie. Then the Ajax boys could develop a larger fan base from their home country, let alone province. It's sad when a band's country dosen't recognize them as much as other ones do. Attempting to appeal to all those "tattoed, gum chewing, snowboarding, skateboarding, punk rokcer kids" may not be what you are after. Ah, yes because there is always the mainstream artists to air like Britney Spears and Backstreet Boys. So who wants to see a video by a band from Ajax, Ontario. Incase you were unaware many people don't want to see all those glamed up girl and boy band videos which are all sex and love related, aired either. I'll be looking forward to recieving a reply, but I don't get one I'll just assume you had much more "important" things to do with your time.


just another one of your viewers

p.s. The Sum 41 interview on New Music was great, could have been longer. Good job George!

more will be up later.