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Robyn and Aimee's Ilissa page

Ilissa is Aimee's clone. she came from the DNA institutuion. she is not 1/8th Aimee's size. she gets mad cause Aimee doesn't say hi to her in the halls at school. although, Aimee doesn't say hi to anyone in the halls unless they say hi to her first. Ilissa has an acute lego obsession,and she enjoys constructing various new bungalow models and showing them off to Aimee and Robyn. Ilissa was mad at Aimee because Aimee got to play percussion in music class and Ilissa had to play clarinet.(which she very much enjoyed,she really did). she always played Aimee's glockenspiel when she brought it home to practice for tests. she seems to enjoys doing chores but really dosen't and always does more than she has to. she also does Aimee's chores sometimes. Iliisa says: because Aimee's too lazy to get off her as and no one else does them. Although I (aimee)do my chores most of the time. she always comes to play with Aimee in her room because(Aimee says)her room is cooler. when Aimee's on the internet Ilissa comes running so she can sit there and pretend she's not reading Aimee's emails when she really is. she always gives Aimee the remote control because she's afraid Aimee will hurt her if she doesn't give it away. Ilissa says she gives Aimee the remote cause Aimee keeps asking for it til she gets it. Ilissa is a memeber of the llama appreciation society and advises anyone and everyone to join it. when Aimee's mad she tends to yell a lot, especially at Ilissa, then Ilissa gets mad at Aimee. ilissa is a leftie. she'll get mad if u say her name wrong but she won't tell u so just call her lisa. Aimee was making a necklace today and Aimee told Ilissa she could fix it but she had to leave the middle beads on because Aimee had them the way she wanted it. Ilssa didn't know that,so she took off all the beads. but she made an even kooler necklace. Robyn and Ilissa thought Aimee lied about never taking off her pink sparkly necklace(which you would know if you read her other page)when we saw another one that was actually a bracelet she made that looked the same.but Aimee didn't lie. she walked into the room and Robyn and Ilissa yelled at her for taking off her necklace. but then she told us it was a bracelet. Aimee says her necklace can't come off. Ilissa's mad cause Aimee stole all of her pink sparkly beads. Ilissa is quiet and doesn't say much especially at school.but when she does talk, she is funny. one day Aimee made this kool thing on her light brite and Ilissa walked into the room and didn't see it on the floor and knocked it over and all the beads fell out. Aimee got really mad at Ilissa and made a new one. You like that kool star wars lego pic on this page, eh? c'mon aimee knows u like it. ilissa luvs lego and aimee likes lego and star wars and screamed when ilissa sent her that e-card, so i (aimee) decided to put the pic up on here. lol ilissa does it all for the nookie!!! Ilissa likes getting emails but doesn't get very many except from Robyn and Aimee who lives in the same house as her. email her at: *** note **** to any one who reads this page, aimee and robyn wrote all of this information and sum of it may not be true