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Robyn's Aimee page

hi.I am Aimee's friend Robyn...this is my page all about Aimee,the creator of this site. i think you should all know that she is a VERY BAD GIRL!!! (and she also has a twin sister in enhanced math and english, what a brainer!!!)i have known them for 9 years so i know quite a bit about naughty Aimee.we are all residents of Bangladesh also known to outsiders as Brampton. well, let's get back to Aimee.she always emails me with plans to throw things(like rotten compost material)at innocent passersby on the street. now isn't that just a tad evil??? she tries to hide her demonic nature by being nice an quiet and getting into *ENHANCED english* but we all know the truth.even though ther are a lot of people we might refer to as posers(some of which live near me,you know who you are) Aimee makes fun of them and constantly reminds them of their poser status. i bet the feel bad enough knowing that they are posers and they want Aimee to like them...Aimee also tries to make me and Ilissa eat strange lunches by not telling us exactly what we are eating...sounds suspicious eh??? and you know what is really weird??? she gives out her phone number and address over the net!!!even though i told you NOT to Aimeeez...if you hadn't caught on already,i am just making Aimee sound evil,she is not actually a demon child.she is a very nice girl,WHO I LOVE SO MUCH!!!i am not a lesbo or anything,Aimee's just a superkool girl. and i really envy her pink sparkly necklace that, if you read her self page,you would know she never takes it off. i guess you guys will hear all about demon child me in the page Aimee is going to create as MY PAGE. you guys can all email me and tell me what a BAD GIRL Aimee is at: (and you can also email Aimee and tell her that she's BAD!!!) byebye superfly!!! send me your ICQ #'s.

Okay since this is my site, I can put what ever I want on it. I can say that the rotten compost idea was mine, and so was the lunch idea. But I can also say that i don't give out my address or phone number on the net, i am not a demon child and i do not constantly remind any posers of their poser status. i don't even asscoiate with posers. well robyn dosen't know that i did this, so i'm gonna see just how long it takes her to find out i did this. And i just put up the Oscar pic too, which reminds me of myslef at times.


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