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WCoffe House Review #2 Show...March 2000

Similar Apperance then and now W.Y.D. played at the skool coffe house agian. They played Sid'S House & another song, i can't member what it's called but i'll find out. Will did My Ding-a-ling & Ive Got Big Balls. They were great as always.

COffe HouSe ReviEw 1st Show

AT our skool's coffe house SImialar APpearnce now W.Y.D. preformed. AT the coffe house Similiar Apperance now W.Y.D. did a cover of My OWn WOrst Enemy by LiT. and it was good. Fer sum dumb ass reasons they ended it early. SImilar Apperance now W.Y.D. went on last to preform again. They did Dammit by Blink 182 but they got Sebastian of Flat Line to do the vocals. They got thru the 1st verse and chorus, but then they couldn't member the lyrics fer the 2nd verse, so I ran up there and told em what they were. So then they continued, but they left out the 3rd verse, it was good though!


Here's my interview (sorta, not really) with Adam on tues nov 23, in drama class.

According to Adam, he says that the guys in his band are off the wall cause they have crazy on stage antics. Example, they come on stage playing each other's instruments. I asked him if this was true, and Adam said "it will be". He syas they'll reach their peak and be successfull, then they'll all be drug attics. j/k He says "just weed". Adam says he loves being adored by chix. Now Adam's gonna describe everyone in his band. Sid is a crazy son of a bi**h. Ryan is to in love with his girlfriend to make up any songs. Sean is the biggest pot head in the wrold. And, Will is the nice guy but don't be fooled by his looks.

Here's the rest of the interview completed on wed nov 24 at lunch in the cafeteria.

What kind of bands inspire your group? Korn, Limp Bizkit, 311, Rage Against The Machine.

What sound do you wnat to have? We wanna have different sounds. We want to have some songs which are mellow, and other which are edgy or heavy. We just want to create our own sound and be original.

Where did you guys meet? They all met in grade 8, but in grade 9 they "discovered me".

Who are your bigest fans/rodies? Ai(me)e, Kathryn, Shannon, Andrea, Elizabeth, our families except my dad, cause he hates our music.

Do you have any singles yet? Not yet

Have you guys written any songs? yep, Fuck Like Monkeys is our first song.

What tour would you most wanna play on? 1) Family Values & 2) Vans Warped Tour

What artists do you wanna work with? Korn

Have you guys met any bands? No

What do you wanna call your first release? Shut Up To You

Why? Cause it's my favourite saying

How often do you guys practice? Usually once a week, but now we haven't had any practices.

Why haven't you guys had any practices lately? Cause I got a shit mark on my mid term report card and i'm grounded.

What actually goes on at your practices? We smoke, make fun of Ryan, we'll start playing a song then just go off and play something comletly different.

When you guys arn't practing, what are you doing? When your all hanging out? It's only like 2 or 3 of us either smoking, skating or going to the movies.

What are you favourute indie bands? I don't know any.

What venue do you wanna play at the most? Skydome Sky Tent

Whos's the meanest person in your goup? No one, we're all nice guys.

What record label do you wanna be signed to? Interscope Records

What clothing label would u wanna be sponsered by? DC Shoe Co USA

What questions would you not want to be asked in an interview? Don't care

What does Similar Apperance hate the most? Coinceded people, people who sterotype and the backstreet boys.

What do you wanna say at the end of this interview? Who ever's reading this support Similar Apperance (now Friends of P) cause they like everyone.

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