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stoopid things ppl say

here's some things people said, so i put them up on this page.

HeLlO YoNnG sAmAuRaI!...gReIg NoRi

hElLo AlL yOu sCaRlEtInA sUfFeRs!...cAiTlIn,

HeY, yAaH sEbAcIoUs tHaT's tHe qUeEr aSs tHiNg ThAt I hAvE!...Ai(me)E

tHe wEaThEr iS gOoD, tHe fEeLiNg iS oLd, tHe lIgHtS aRe oN iN tHe HoUsE dOwN tHe rOaD!... MoRaLe, TrEbLe cHaRgEr

I wIlL nOt CaLl YoU a FrIeNd Of MiNe!... FrIeNd oF MiNe, tReBlE cHaRgEr

I cLoSe mY eYeS I dOn'T wAnNa fInD oUt hOw sHe DiEd!... HoW ShE DiEd, tReBlE cHaRgEr

aRe yOu lIsTeNiNg? oNlY cAuSe I cAn hEaR yOu!...dEaNnE aNd IlIsSa

sMeLlInG dEaD rOseS!...RoSeS, SiLvErChAiR

We'Ll MaKe It Up tO yOu iN tHe yEaR 2000, gIvE iT uP tO yOu iN tHe yEaR 2000!...AnThEm FoR ThE YeAr 2000, SiLvErChAiR

As ThE rEd sInKs fRoM yOuR wRiNkLeD dReSs, PiCtUrEs oF tHe PeOpLe YoU'vE iMpReSsEd. HaNgS oN a wAlL aRoUnD hErE, vIsIoNs sTaRt tO cRaWl WhEn I'm NeAr, aNd tHe eVeNiNg StArTs TiLl YoU gEt cAuGhT uP tO yOUr oWn mIsTaKeS mAdE uP oF dIfFeReNt tAkEs, WoUlDn'T wAnNa kEeP mY iN MiNd... Red, treble charger

As the world waits around I can't keep slipping and loosing my ground, do I not try so hard so good, I can't keep changing just because you think I should! ...Above, finger eleven

Trusting the instinct, It's not about what you think, The one reatcion is only to obey!... Above, finger eleven

okay finish your donut and inhale your cookie!...John, me, deanne, ilissa at the donut store.

You're so tired of you maby it's me... Maby It's Me, treble charger

You're like a spoonful of whup ass!.. sum tv show

BIg paNTs thEY're ThE wAy To gO, thEy'rE tHE waVE oF thE fUtURE!...JAmeS BLaCk of finger eleven

ThEy'Re TALkiNG beHinD ouR BacKS, nO, TheY'Re TalKing BeHinD oUr PAnts!...JAmes ANd RIck of FiNgEr eLeVeN

We'Re jUst WeIrD aNd We LiKe BeInG mIsErAbLe!....JoHn DaViS oF kOrN

I WaNnA TrY to BuRn PeaS dOwN OveR tHe WorLd!... My InTerpreTation Of soNG LyRiCS

I tRaCeD tHe cHoRd bAcK tO tHe wAlL, nO wOnDeR iT wAs nEvEr PlUgGEd In aT aLl. BlInK 182

What's my age again? blink 182

aImEe, u sOuNd lIkE a StAr wArS dOlL wHo'Z bAtTERiEs aRe DyInG, shuT up!!! -dEaNnE

No body like's u where you're 23, And u still act like ur in freshman year, What the hell is wrong with me? My friends say I should act my age, What's my age again? What's my age agian? ..bink 182

the weather is bad the room is cold the lights are off in the house down the road u pass the time i'll try to stay the wait alone would it help 2 ask & be polite if not it'll wait an overnight to be so bold i though i'd tell you something else....there is not alot of time & the feeling is slow will the hurt be generous? will it ever b known? if you stop me ask me why you can help it if you try so try and try and try & try i wandered out the back and held my ground

She said that i'm not the one that she thinks about, she said it stopped being fun, I just bring her down, I said don't let your future be destroyed by my past, don't let my door hit ur ass. ...don't leave me... blink 182

all the small things, truth cares, truth brings, i'll take one lift, your ride, best trip, Always i know, u'll be at my show, watching, waiting, commerisating. all the small things..blink 182

some guys ride for money, others ride for the glory, and some guys ride just to get a girlfriend. that's just the way it werks....some guy talking bout a bike movie "SoCal" on 16 mm

love is like a virus. it can happen to anybody at any time...maya angelou

fear brings out the worst thing in everybody....maya angelou

one isn't necessarily born with courage, but one is born with potential. Without courage, we cannot practice any other virtue without consistency. We cannot be kind, true, mericful, generous, or honest.....maya angelou

say it ain't so, i will not go, turn the lights off, carry me home, keep your head still, i'll be your thrill, and will go on, my little windmill. all the small things...blink 182

A real friend walks in when the rest of the world walks out.