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wide awake bored

Wide Awake Bored is treble charger's 4th relase. It was relased by BMG on Tueday July 26, 2000. It was supposed to be out in 1999 but they recored the album, didn't like it and re-mixed the whole thing. A year later it was released. There are 11 tracks on the album. Before settling on the name, Wide Awake Bored whoch was taken from a line in American Psycho that goes "wide awake and never bored", they though of using it's Not Me It's You. That would have kinda been the answer to the title of their previous album, Maybe It's Me. The first single is American Psycho. Upcomming singles include Favourite Worst Enemy (that might be wrong) and the thrid single will be Business.

track listing

treble charger