Name:Sarah M
Age: 15
Birthday: May 5
Location: Winnipeg Manitoba Canada

Sarah wrote the majority of the story after she met Cher, and Jen on the internet in the summer of 99. She already knew Heather and a story was created.

Name: Heather C
Age: 15
Birthday: July 20
Location: Winnipeg Manitoba Canada

Heather helped in writing the story by complaining about the little episode between her character and Clint in the elevator, which later led to the whole airplane bathroom scene.

Name: Jen C
Birthday:January 15
Location: Calgary Alberta Canada

Jen gave many ideas and made Sarah re-write make out sessions if they did not meet her horniness standards. If it weren't for her the horny parts probably wouldn't be as horny. Jen also wrote one of the make out sessions because Sarah was too lazy to.

Name: Cher D
Age: 15
Birthday:Augusy 21
Location: California USA

Cher helped out with the writing of the story by telling Sarah to use "munky sex" in the story and by helping me out with her relationship with Scott.