Bobschikee>> Bigger Cher!!
Bobzmine>> 8=================================================Þ how's that?
Bobschikee>> Yeah that looks good.. MisSarah>> Hehe you guys both know Dave's is bigger
Heathyc>> Umm…no I think we all know Clint's is the biggest
Bobzmine>> Whatever girls you are just in denial
Bobschikee>> Oh Bob…whip cream..cherries…edible undies…naked..drool
MisSarah>> I'm horny so horny horny horny <~~~~~~~~~ Bobschikee's song
Heathyc>> You got that right lol
**MisSarah and Dave are eating grapes and popsicles in the hotub**
Bobzmine>> Sarah man what is it with you and grapes?
Heathyc>> lol
Guest-SCDB has joined
Bobzmine>> I bet Scott is an animal if ya get what I mean lol
MisSarah>> What stimulating conversation we are having hehe
Bobschikee>> Oh shut up Sarah I know you like it hehe
MisSarah>> hehehe ok I give up..I want to suck Dave' s popsicle.
Heathyc>> SARAH!!
Guest-SCDB>> Hi it's me Scott Moffatt
Bobzmine>> Scott is probly super horney..he'd be perfect for you Jen
Bobschikee>> You are just saying that cuz you want Bob hehehe
Guest-SCDB>> Umm…hello did anyone here me? It is me Scott
MisSarah>> HAHA yeah right "Scott"
Heathyc>> not another poser
Bobzmine>> I hate posers
MisSarah>> JEN!
Heathyc>> Well in that case I LOVE YOU CLINT AAAAAAAAAAAAA
Bobzmine>> Okay I guess we are playing along
Guest-SCDB>> You know I am really not as horney as you all think
Bobzmine>> Darn what a dissappointment..oh well..Scott put bob on!
Guest-SCDB>> Ok just a sec
Bobschikee>> This is too wild…I am gonna have some fun with this
Guest-SCDB>> Hi this is Bob…you wanted to talk to me?
Bobschikee>> ==========================================================Þ <~~~~~ your dick
MisSarah>> haha jen
**Bobzmine lap dances for Bob
Guest-SCDB>> umm…thanks I guess…yeah
Bobschikee>> Bob I wanna give you a handy
Heathyc>> BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM I want Clint in my room
Guest-SCDB>>yeah maybe I will get Clint…bye
MisSarah>> this poser just doesn't give up too easily
Guest-SCDB>> Hi! How are you guys tonight?
Heathyc>> Horny
Guest-SCDB>> umm..ok
Bobschikee>> Horny for you Clint….
Bobzmine>> Clint I want you in my bed
MisSarah>> not me I want ..grapes…hotub…yum
Guest-SCDB>> Hi! I am Dave
MisSarah>> Dave do you like grapes??
Bobzmine>> Haha SARAH! You are soo obsessed with grapes!
Guest-SCDB>> Yeah I love grapes!
**MisSarah is rolling on the floor in a fit of laughter
Guest-SCDB>> What? What is so funny
Heathyc>> That was too funny
Guest-SCDB>> What are your real names??
MisSarah>> take a wild guess
Bobzmine>> Cher
Bobschikee>> Jen
Heathyc>> Heather
Guest-SCDB>> cool…my brothers said you guys were weird but I think you are nice
MisSarah>> haha thanks…
Heathyc>> Oh yeah we are just sweetie pies
Bobzmine>> We rock man
Bobschikee>> Yeah my bed rocks too..when Bob and I Are in it hehe
MisSarah>> haha
Guest-SCDB>> You guys wouldn't happen to have pictures of yourselves you could send us do you?
MisSarah>> Yeah I do..actually I have pics of all of as at this adress…
Guest-SCDB>> cool we will check that out..nice chattin with ya ladies! Bye!
Guest-SCDB has left
Bobschikee>> Ok that girl was pathetic
Bobzmine>> Posers are fun
MisSarah>> Imagine if that was really the moffatts lol
Heathyc>> HAHA that would be hilarious