2nd and final payments are due this week at practice. Please make sure you have paid your fees!
We are playing in the Park Board Tournament on Saturday Jan. 18th. As soon as I get a schedule, I will let you know.
We need to start thinking about hotel arrangements for Crossroads. If you have any ideas or got a good deal last year, please let Michelle know the details ASAP!
Reminder that you are responsible for getting your own black spandex. Please make sure the logo is no bigger than 2 inches. You will not be required to wear a uniform on Jan. 18th, but you might want to make sure you have everything ready for Jan. 25th (Springfield Tournament).
We are doing the officiating clinic on Sunday Jan. 19, 2003 at the Nixa Alternative School (down the street from High School). The time will be from 12 noon to 2pm. We will also discuss this at practice on Wednesday. This is MANDATORY FOR ALL!!