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Hm... so what's been updated lately?

4-14-00 Added Figure Skating World Championship pics and a message to the Michelle Kwan section. Added a few quotes and misc. to the Thoughts section.

3-24-00 Message changed. Construction of Asian Pride Page and Top Gun Page in progress.

2-23-00 Peanuts' Page created. Beginning to work on Top Gun page.

2-4-00 Updated Lion Dancing page. Reformatted all my pics to be jpg. Fixed broken links.

Um... I can't remember when I did everything. But between 9-16-99 and 2-4-00 I loaded most of the graphics and created most of the pages that you see here today. =) Yeah I'm getting old and forgetful. Oh well. =P

9-16-99 This website was created! =)