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John 15:13. "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends."

This is what Jesus did for us. But Jesus didn't just "lay down His life"; He died a horrible death. I don't know if you know what occurred while Jesus was being beaten, but He suffered untold agonies. The whip that was used was called a cat'o nine tails. It was made up of nine strips of leather intertwined to make a handle and then left with the nine strips loose close to the bottom. Attached to each end was a bone or a rock. Anything with sharp edges or hooks. When He was whipped with this, it tore away flesh and blood, muscle and tendon. His back was stripped of skin and He was losing a lot of blood, not to mention the pain He was enduring.

After the beating and ridicule, He was given a robe which they put on His back. Can you even begin to imagine the additional pain this brought? Then He was forced to carry His own cross.

Jesus could have stopped this at any time, but He didn't. Why? Because it was necessary for someone without one single stain of sin to die for sinners. He "offered" Himself as our sacrifice. He offered Himself in our place. Not only that, but He died for us even though we hadn't even been born yet. Could there be a greater love than this?

God, who wanted us to be with Him in glory, gave His son for us. The one sacrificed for the many. There is no greater friend than this.

How can we even begin to repay that kind of love? We cannot. But we can strive to be the best that we can be. We can strive to be obedient to that loving God.

Matthew 22:37 says this, "Jesus said unto him; Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind."

Loving God seems so easy.

When I was young and I was told that I should love the Lord more than anyone, I was so upset. I just kept asking myself and anyone who would listen, "How can I love God more than my mom?"

Then when I grew up , got married and had children of my own, I couldn't imagine loving anyone more than my children. I felt like there was something wrong with me, because I knew that God wouldn't ask something of me that I couldnt' do. It took me a long time before I learned to put God first. I first had to learn to trust him totally. To know that He was in complete control. I also realized that He loved my children even more than I did, which really amazed me. How could anyone love my children more than I did? Once, I realized that truth, I turned everything over to Him.

I know now that there is no greater love than the love God has for each of us. And knowing of this great love, takes away the fear of the unknown. He has everything in His hands. Nothing can happen that He doesn't allow to happen and we are to listen and learn from all that happens to us in this life. We are here such a short time.

The Word says that we are pilgrims passing through a strange land, and that we have a better home awaiting us. A place where we will live with this One who loves us more than anyone else can.

I am so thankful for my Redeemer. Thank you precious Savior.