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What does an attunement really do? Yes, it allows us to channel energy more effectively, at increased vibrational levels, but what does that mean? Yes, we can do healing more easily and effectively, but is that all it is for?

In actuality, the purpose of attunements is to increase the abilty of the recipient to channel light. When we receive our Reiki attunements, often spirituality is downplayed, yet the attunements are a way to increase the light-channeling, and anchoring, ability, the vibrational level, of humans on Earth. Traditionally, this increased vibrational level has been hard-won through years, and even lifetimes, of strenuous spiritual work, primarily meditation. Attunement is, essentially, a shortcut. Shortcuts are not, however, without ramifications. We all know of the clearing that often follows Reiki attunements. As one progresses along the path which Reiki attunements open up, there are more “growing pains”, sometimes physical in nature, sometimes psychological.

Many of us are familiiar with the warnings against raising kundalini precipitously, or without sufficient, and appropriate, preparation. The raising of kundalini is the natural outcome of spiritual exercise. Premature raising of kundalini is known to cause extreme mental/emotional unrest. For this same reason, it is advised that attunements be received on a measured basis, to allow integration of the energies. Those who disregard this caution are likely to experience unpleasant, or uncomfortable, effects, of physical or mental/emotional nature, or both. This is called, in some circles, processing. Without sufficient training, or preparation, processing can be very unsettling, even damaging. It certainly affects not only the individual processing, but also those around the individual.

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