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Channel Building

Triangulation (Channel Building)
Updated 1/1/2001

Triangulation, or Channel Building, is an exercise for the strengthening of the central channel, that vessel through which we channel energy.  It offers a powerful method, or exercise, by which one may increase one's awareness of the transpersonal chakras as well as increase one's ability to work with powerful healing energies.  As one becomes increasingly aware of one's Soul Star, and Earthstar, spiritual evolution is enhanced, and communication with one's Higher Self, as well as with one's Angels and Guides becomes easier.  Difficulties with lower thought forms and undesirable entities are reduced.

Triangulation (Channel Building) should be done one or two times daily. In this case, more is not better -- the effectivity does not increase if it is done more than twice per day.. DO NOT add other Chakras to those listed, when doing this exercise.  Systems which teach this process warn strongly against doing the practice in any manner other than that presented here.


If you are doing this process, and you fall asleep, if you wake up within 15 minutes, you can continue where you left off.  If you remain asleep for a longer period, wait a few hours before you being again.

Triangulation/Channel Building is a very powerful exercise.  Doing it more than twice a day could result in an overcharging of energy.  For this same reason, DO NOT add any other centers than those mentioned in the exercise. 

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